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2023-05-16 02:32:02




Read Anthony robin "awaken the giant", the authors say honest, real, philosophical, with rich life experience, vision persuasive to teach me, makes me harvest a lot from the book also changed a lot.

The author from the start, and gradually to impact strength, the effect of emotion, the use of time, health and life, the final question to us, maybe this is also the author of all. He was a poor boy, 26 years old still live in only 10 square meters single apartment, wash bowl bowl can only in the bath wash, life is very bad, a bleak future. However, since he found his heart because of the huge potential, life begins to transform, and gradually become a confident of success. Sometimes life is such, many things are destined to be in an instant, some look very accidental one small thing, can make a person's life attitude change from now on. Most people among us have great potential ability, most of the time but this potential is in a state of sleep, objective existence once awakened, will make many amazing things. I think ambition is a natural, no need to pass the day after tomorrow efforts and improvement. Life is precious, it gives us all proprietary rights, opportunities and responsibilities. We have only one choice to awaken the dormant "giant" release those hidden, the truest, the most abundant energy, resources, the firm faith, can bear rich fruit finally

To detonate inner latent power, however, want to rely on self-esteem and confidence. Because the key of inner energy released depends on self-esteem, have to self-confidence, self-esteem can adjust their unceasingly in the adverse circumstance, so that the giants are not brought to its knees by adversity in the heart, to keep its strength and potential into full play. That is to say, when a person lost self-esteem and confidence, all things will no longer have a hope of success.

The author of the book, said: "who think of decisions about a few years ago - the next to go all out to not be in this lifetime, can bring it to me so incredible results." "The world is only a few people can do great things, but because the vast majority of people don't want to heart, do not know to have the ability to apply, so that the life silently over." "The heart" is the best interpretation to have self-esteem and self-confidence. Like most of us at work, to complete a work, to do with your heart and not to do that is two completely different results. Not to do, doing things is inefficient, can appear even a lot of mistakes, no fun, boring work; To do, we will have high morale, can feel the fun of work.

The teachers' profession as well. If all we see every day is my desk piles of homework, there are busy not over of information at hand to fill; Without seeing the children innocent smile, did not see them grow, we will feel life is boring, no fun work. And these negative emotions produce is likely to be because we don't have to feel life, hard work. We just complete the task in automatically in the elaborate life, we are blinded by their own eyes, causing her to see the beautiful scenery along the way.

After reading this book, I think we expected is the best thing for the future, if there is no expectation, all already doomed, how boring the life will be. Awakening to a meaningful life from the heart, positive life, life will never cease to grow and learn as indicators, constant love, each of us is a miracle.











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