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2023-05-16 04:14:04




Most of the time, there are so many students through various means, has issued such a sigh: the campus no longer pure.

The campus is no longer a pure - a mystery to me, a problem that makes me confused for a long time, a blind confidence for me for a long time.

In the eyes of many students who just enter the university campus, university is an ivory tower, the university is pure land, the university is a place where very simple very fair - because university is teaching and educating for grounds of the mission!

In fact, time and time again in the university campus, feeling a lot of inequality and injustice, feel the important of the university of relationship and money, feeling every gain behind those kind of abnormal performance, many people feel the harvest quite a lot of pride in them, feeling a lot of people are ugly.

Most of the time, actually think carefully, and also can understand, people are realistic, Chinese are ruthless and relations, the Chinese are better, or, to paraphrase a word - people are selfish.

But our students, they wet behind not deep, but they were not able to understand how deep the water was of the university campus, so they sometimes complain and helpless, but also can understand.

So, in most of the time, I just told them: don't change the reality, the calm to accept it! Although will be very hard, but only in that way, don't let own psychological more uncomfortable! Efforts and is not necessarily proportional to, leave school more can feel that this is a step into the society, therefore, only keep yourself, because we have decided not to any other person.

I can stick to the principle of me as a person, but I can't guarantee all people can stick to the principle of human, it's as simple as that.

So the purity of the university campus is lost step by step, this is from human aspects to analyze, and the question comes down to university education ignored the humanities education, students between the affective pollution by utilitarian thing, also no longer be so pure. To integrate with the society, it is sad, also will become our college education of sorrow!


很多时候,有许许多多学生通过各种途径,都发出这样的一种感叹:大学 校园早已不再纯洁。












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