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2023-05-16 04:16:04




Life is like dumplings, time is leather, experience is filling. Suantiankula all taste, perseverance and confidence is the wrappers on the fold, the hard to avoid in life was hard squeeze, by boiling water, bitten once, if there is no experience, hard to mature, there will always be betrayed. "This one, is not my original, is cui yongyuan comment a passage in life. I now also don't deserve and we talk about life, I want to talk about is is very important to every person's life here four years of college life.

For let I stand here today to tell everyone about how to live in the key four year university life, is driving a duck on a bit. Just when I was ready to resume, only to find that, there was no any certificate can let I brag about it, anything is called honor medal, in addition to assume full four years of experiences. Actually go back and think about it, if the god give me a chance to try again, I think, these four years of my life, should also is such, because for the activities of the college students deserve to experience, the mastery of the knowledge, I have done my own efforts.

Someone said: the first year of college is often "don't know if I don't know," sophomore will step into the "know you don't know", "don't know oneself know" university the third grade, at the university of fourth grade "know yourself".

Actually, I didn't also can understand the implied meaning, can realize a bit, but vaguely is from heaven fell to the ground, from longings ideal back to reality. The reason why many people don't adapt to college life, to a large extent by the Internet or magazines about university life the misleading of the novel. Many authors are the tone of speech about university life, depict an ideal university in his heart to the readers. By this misleading, in everyone before they step into university is an ideal for your university life. With the good, after entering university, many people will be confused for a while, fully enjoy the sudden freedom and novelty. But in the day by day in class, after self-study, this passion slowly fade, began to enter the confused stage, miss high school classmate, miss high school life.

Here are mostly in the "don't know if I don't know" and "know you don't know" stage, especially the latter, often cause confusion, the source of confusion and depressed. And this is slowly grow up surely inevitable phase transition to "know yourself". If you think now have no direction, I don't have to worry, actually this is very normal.

Many people in before entering the university, an idea formed in the mind, believe the affection between high school students is the most pure, the university can't be honest to each other. I had a similar idea. In fact, with the classmates and dormitory, actually this kind of idea is wrong, at least for being together with you in the same class, with the dormitory students is not suitable. At this age, others are mostly character of edges and corners. After you graduated from one day, you think his college classmate, you will find, in fact now togeth fundamental isn't worth mentioning.

Now generally talk about my college life, I hope as an example, can bring you a little thought and inspiration.

My freshman year and many others, is vacant without direction.













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