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2023-05-16 07:45:02




In the first test result came out and I take an examination of is bad, looked at his grades, heart is full of melancholy. Second, the former belongs to my place today had been replaced with another person, and I fell into the abyss of failure. I wish all this is not true, just my illusion, but this is only my hope. Reality is reality, it's you I can't change. In the immutable fact, I only sigh. Sigh sigh my pride, my carelessness, sigh everything happen to me.

For me, the memory of this test is really a pain. Since entering junior high school, I have never so bad, I can't accept it. I want to be my pride, let yourself, so this time I fell down from the cloud. So, I can only in his own face was full of melancholy.

Is a gray morning, I dragged tired body came to the classroom. Chen told me to close your eyes, she said she would give me a surprise. I smiled to smile, to me, what surprises in life? But I closed my eyes. 1, 2, 3. I turned and saw her hands holding a green crystal apple. "Green represents hope, also is your favorite color. You didn't test good this time, but you'll always be my door in the heart of the NO. 1." She said. I froze, I then felt a warm current into my blood, through my body. I feel the eyes have a hot liquid will flow out, so I bowed his head, trying to suppress his feelings. Because I don't like to reveal my feelings in front of other people. I feel there is a ray of sunshine into my gloomy heart, very happy.

I think I was lucky, because when I'm down and out, someone to accompany me, not I a person to bear alone. I think I won't be sad, because my heart has opened a window. I think I will be strong, because there are so many lovely friends at my side. I think I would like to thank the friendship, because it let me find the forward direction.

In the autumn, autumn wind rustling, I lost something, but I gained a lot more.










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