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2023-05-17 04:38:02




In the midst of a few of my hobbies, I like to play table tennis is the most.

I learned from her mother-in-law's "kung fu" to get started. Remember one morning in double cease day, I saw zhang grandpa mother-in-law with table tennis match. Only saw the yellow table tennis jumped on the table, is very interesting and fun. Noisy I also want to play, the mother-in-law taught me how to the right hand is holding the racket. Then, I practice first serve, in the beginning, I throw the ball to let its whereabouts and bounces, then get the ball past the racket. Can serve my mother-in-law is side of the racket, I also imitate the practice the appearance of the mother-in-law to serve, and in this way, I learned to normal service.

Later, I found it hard to pick up a spinning ball when playing with friends, I was just wondering: if you learned to spin, met with strong, not much more tips? I saw dad send backspin serves, the first to throw the ball up, and then use the racket down. When I answer the backspin serves to provoke up, or you will let down the nets. So just to be taken in by rivals, catch a start, serve people kill shot, the ball didn't answer. The ball one smashes the ball didn't answer. Dad also told me that there are several kinds of spin will slowly learned, the game is changing.

I saw the coaches teach liu trick - drop shot. If any opponent forcibly smashes, it is difficult to catch. I asked liu: "why want to smash? How to smash the ball?" . Liu said: "drop shot is a technique in playing table tennis, is the combination of strength and technology, and is the initiative to attack the opportunity to score." "Smash, see the opponent back to a slightly higher ball is not high, as soon as the cat, hunker down, and then quickly got up and swing hard, hit the table tennis." Said he made several demonstration action, swing, the racket down slightly oblique, draw a curved upward curve. Once, when dad and I met, inadvertently made a diagonal smashes, kill father caught off guard. This practice for a long time, I learned to smash. Sometimes diagonal smashes!

Now I have crush on table tennis. Though sometimes lost, but I've felt the movement of the happiness!










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