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2023-05-17 06:58:02




The autumn wind blow away the hot summer, brought the cool autumn, the withered leaves fall all over the floor, as if the earth put on a golden dress. Orchard a harvest scene. You see, the tree stem stout trees are brown, thick green leaves shining under the sun. Look at the big, red apple again, see the saliva flowing downwards, really want to pick to eat a bite. They touch you squeeze me one by one to people to pick! Many children and adults to pick apples, xiao gang look so delicious big apple, began to send chan in his heart, and he also took up the basket, straight to a big apple tree. He reached up and hand upwards stretched, seeing a red, red apple, it stability, with a twist, apple can very easily be picked. The tree beside the several clusters ono chrysanthemum, that one purple is the color of my favorite, it is dark green branches, leaves are dark green. It as if it's the root of foot, rod as its body, as if it leaves the hand, spend as if it's hat, it's not like a cute little girl? Under the tree to pick the leaves, and classmates is going to make a beautiful specimen. In the orchard, we see the autumn; We heard the autumn; We smell the autumn; We felt the autumn. Is a fruitful season, autumn is a harvest season.






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