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2023-05-17 07:07:06




Our school has a real fast talker, but he was in our class, his name is Guo Guo. His brag ability but got home, but he cattle also let people believe, why? Because are well-founded. Seen other people play a game in which he played for a 10 game; Learned two days, he said he had become a black belt, so the classmates all dare not provoke him, he is coming, to see how my nail his bottom.

"Ouch! Master guo is coming!" I said contemptuously, Guo Guo surprise staring at me, but no one dare say he at ordinary times, who he is, he is a "black belt"! Guo Guoding. Charles said: "what do you mean? You want to start work?" "Yes!" I said, "is to challenge you this false boxing champion!" He was surprised, don't be exposed? No believe Guo Guo, with the appearance of anger rushed over. But I didn't move, he hesitated, feel no good, to my chest, I hold his fist, a left back, said: "with this in the fist?" He said: "this is not I have one!" Said he tried to kick me, was I a catch, and a sweep the leg, Guo Guo fell to the ground, I asked: "give up? Black belt so much?" But his mouth hard: "today I am misfired, you wait, the enemy, not to the gentleman's one day I will take you down to the ground." Ah! Meet with such a fast talker, true take he can't.

Through my introduction, you should know my classmates Guo Guo, everyone says he is a fast talker?








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