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2023-05-17 07:19:03




People always grow up, will understand, that time, I feel I am really grown up.

On that occasion, I garment accessories line loose. Mother want to help me to sew, mother in one hand and the needle, in one hand and line, the line carefully wear into the needle, but no matter how wear, wear is not enough, mother anxiously said: though I wear it, is it my eyesight so fast? I see this scene, I looked at his mother that anxious face, and can no longer see not bottom go to. He secretly ran back to the room.

In the house, my heart feel awful, I thought: I have grown up, can do it ourselves, I should go to help my mother, but I didn't help my mother not only, also let her sew clothes for me, for I worry about. Thought of here, I cried.

After a while, I quietly walked to the door, and my mother is still not the line through the pinhole, I cannot bear to watch any longer. Then I walked out of the room, came to the mother.

Mother looked at me and said, my lovely daughter, how do you come in. I love to say: mom, you don't wear, let me help you! Say that finish, I immediately put the string into the pinhole. After I said: mom, these small things will do it by myself, and besides, I have grown up, is a big girl, your own thing can do it himself, later I will help you do more housework.

I said, and put the ornaments to sew on the clothes, that moment, mother also smiled, at this point, I think the dress is more beautiful than before.

From then on, I felt I grew up, although will inevitably encounter some growing pains, but I believe, I will smile face life, smile to success step by step.



那一次,我衣服上的饰品的线松开了。妈妈想再帮我缝上,妈妈一手拿针,一手拿线,认真地把线穿进针里,可是无论怎么穿,也穿不进去,妈妈着急地说: 我明明穿进去了,难道是我的视力下降得这么快? 这一幕让我看到了,我看着妈妈那焦急的`脸,再也看不下去了。便偷偷地跑回房间。



妈妈看着我,说: 我的乖女儿,你怎么进来的。 我心疼地说: 妈妈,您别穿了,让我帮您吧! 说完,我一下子就把线穿进了针孔。我又说: 妈妈,以后这些小事儿就由我自己来干吧,再说,我已经长大了,是大姑娘了,自己的事情能自己做了,以后我也会多帮您干些家务活儿的。






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