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2023-05-17 07:23:01




Remember that is a father's day, when I am in grade six, to "mom and dad, I love you" these words, already very hate, don't want to let them to leak from his mouth. But helpless ah, the teacher just want us to father for writing articles for the topic. Sending flowers to each other? Not right! The blessing? Out of date! That...... Had, send a pair of shoes to dad! I happily walked into the store, but out sadly, why, because I don't know dad how to wear shoes!

At home, I want to want to go, finally can only use the most practical way - cooking! Then I say yes to cook, is actually cook a bowl of noodles. Noodles is a good cook, but dad loves to eat what kind of halogen, but I don't know anything! "It doesn't matter, get their love to eat." I'm thinking about.

All the family were sitting on the table for dinner, I took out the prepared gift for dad, and said, "dad, happy father's day!" Had finished, I will lower the head, very embarrassed, very not easy to calm down, raised his head and heart is hit by a something: dad looked at present, gratified smile, canthus gathered a lot of wrinkles, eye socket, full of tears!

I stay, I have never seen such a father, over the years, brothers and sisters will gift to dad, but afterwards, my dad always sighing with the present, then I don't know what meaning, I didn't know until just now that the real meaning of sighs! Father looked so excited, I know, I have been a father wrapped!

Once upon a time, when I was ill, mother is taking care of me, can be run on the run, in a hospital is too tired to full head big sweat dad!

Once upon a time, whenever I was frustrated, though mother in comfort me, can use sarcasm, "irony" motivate my man is my father!

Once upon a time, when I won the prize, mother in congratulated me at any time, can use a basin of "cold water" let me don't be arrogant person's daddy!

Dad gave me love, not like my mother, but also goes on unabated! He always silently pays, silent love me, but never for what I said, even didn't show any marks!

In fact all of the father is not good at express their feelings, but most are good at express his feelings! When father carry a piece of day, let mother to comfort a child, how they want their children can also with the consideration humans extend to other mothers of yourself! Father's love and his father's heart is the most perfect. When one day, the children grow up, learn to chew father every last drop, understand the care of his father, father, do you feel particularly pleased?

A father like a book, need you gradually went into his world, thin savor the taste of his, slowly read his love!


















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