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2023-05-18 03:25:02




If you care about others, make the friends in two months, is a need to care about his own people, make more friends in two years. "This is the weakness of human nature, in a word, friendship is need everyone of us, as the saying goes" unity is strength "only with the help of friends, family, to get things done," the weakness of human nature "tells us how to win friends to establish a good interpersonal relationship. Criticism and complaints: yeah! It is dangerous to criticism, because often hurt one precious pride, hurts his sense of self-respect, and arouse his opposition. Criticism caused by jealousy, will only reduce the morale and feelings, censure also won't have any improvement at the same time. If you are good friends, the appropriate Suggestions or can be, but if moderate attitude must be friends and discord, we also enough is enough. To see the good in people, give sincere praise. In fact, although we support our friend's life, but we focus on their self-esteem is too little, but also don't know them, in the language of praise, and this is precisely the life alba, memories will be forever in the hearts of people. Everyone likes to hear good things, but don't hypocrisy and compliment, find their good side, to give you, this is the language they need.

Inspire others to request: if everyone put yourself in the science and technology for the sake of others, have insight into the psychology of others, never worry about their future. Want to hold each other in the heart of the most pressing needs in the first place. If you can do this, can be like a duck to water, or will not do anything. We often take "standing like" attitude that others, in fact, we have a real situation from their perspective, mood, area for them to consider? No, never... , this is the weakness of human nature? Smile, is the best language: heartfelt smile, actions speak louder than words and deeds. Do a smile, a smile can make people understand that "I love you, you make me happy, I am glad to see you." Smile, from a biological perspective affects three muscles, which in turn what is there against it? Smile, can shorten the distance between people; Smile, can eliminate the heart of the wall; ...... ...... ...... ......

In human nature, the nature of the deepest is eager to others. Please however we emphasis on friends and others, let friendship around our life.



激发别人内心渴望的要求:如果每人都科技设身处地的为别人着想,能洞察别人心理的人,永远不会担心自己的前途。首先要把握对方心中最迫切的需要。如果能做到这一点,就可以如鱼得水,否则就办不成任何事。我们常常以“站着说话不腰疼”的态度说别人,其实,我们有没有真正从他们的角度、心情、处境区为他们考虑呢?没有,从来没有......,这是人性的弱点把?微笑,是最好的语言:发自内心的微笑,行动胜过言行。做一个微笑者,微笑会让人明白“我喜欢你,你使我快乐,我高兴见到你。”微笑一下,从生物学角度讲要牵动三条肌肉,这又何乐而不为呢?微笑一下,可以缩短人与人之间的距离;微笑一下,可以消除心灵深处的那堵墙;...... ...... ...... ......





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