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2023-05-18 07:40:01




On November 1, the common and extraordinary day, Halloween. It may be just a normal day for Chinese people, but for westerners, this is a "ghost festival"! And I, also inthe dark night, through the unforgettable, happy Halloween, thrilling... In school that day, I don not know today is Halloween, but I'm on my way to the school gate, CaoXiaopeng handfuls of pull, I said to me: "hey, Wang Hong Confucianism, today is Halloween, sunshine float in the sky there will give a party, you will go or not?" Alisten to, my heart a pleased, there is such a fun, anyway at home is boring, as promised. I then to Cao Xiaopeng ha ha a smile, said: "good! We be there or be square."Back home, thought: party? It must be very fun, or about Halloween, I have to have to taste fresh. After the meal, he came to the sunshine with Cao Xiaopeng float in thesky. Finally arrived at the door of the two kids almost shocked me: two of them are ferocious, pale, far see teeth were bared like two kids, almost look like two hairdemon animal lovers. We dodged these two monsters, went in, and there is still a chill cold, stab the heart bone feeling: old pumpkin lamp covered with thick gray, seemsto be that expression of welcome your coming with it. Pale incandescent lamp flashing, like going to burst. Go up carefully, and I Cao Xiaopeng -- oh, turned out to bplaying games, have "the light" - blow candle, "jaws" - bit orange, what is "behind" - guessing... I played, among them, the most memorable to me also belong to thespooky haunted house.

Remember that time, the door of the haunted house full of people, everyone is ready, but the wipes, chest to say: it is really a ghost? I thought to myself, really aghost? Suddenly, I fear up, don't want to go in, is I wander, Cao Xiaopeng said to me: "walk, in the sample." I crustily skin of head say: "yes, imparted to it." But Iwalked in the back, in my heart is like one thousand little rabbit pounding, make me nervous. I opened the door quietly, the first thing you encounter is a hanged woman,seems to be crying, eyes light hair seems to be angry. I a surprised, quickly ran forward, suddenly don't know where a voice call, the sound in the room, the echo of thewaves in my heart from ripple Yi, was born on a few silk of fear. I continue to walk on a round things, ah! Turns out to be a head! And hands, and feet, and a large poolof blood! My heart can't bear, how to do, I dare not go forward, ran out, wiping his chest gasping for air said: "scared me to death." In my mind constantly reproduce thepicture just now. Until the last to know, that woman is just a dress; The sound come is a underground computer; Broken hands, feet, etc are some plastic; And the blood,is the tomato sauce... If I don't know the secret, that must be can't sleep at night... Ha ha, have a fun this Halloween, not only exercise my guts, also let the day memory left a full and happy.


在11月1日,那个平常而又不平凡的一天——万圣节。对于中国人来说这可能只是普通的一天,但对西方人来说,这可是个“鬼节”!而我,也在那个月黑风高的晚上,度过了那个难忘、愉快、惊险的万圣节…… 在当天的放学之际,我压根就不知道今天是万圣节,但我正准备出校门时,曹霄鹏一把把我拉着,对我说:“哎,王虹儒,今天是万圣节,阳光飞扬那儿要举办聚会,你去去?”我一听,心头一喜,还有这等有趣的`事,反正在家也无聊,不如答应吧。我便对曹霄鹏呵呵一笑,说:“好!咱俩不见不散。”回家后,心想:聚会?一定很好玩,还是关于万圣节的,我得去必须得去尝个鲜。吃完饭,便和曹霄鹏一起来到了阳光飞扬。 终于到了,在门口的两个小鬼差点把我吓了一大跳:他们两个面目狰狞,苍白,远看像两个张牙舞爪的小鬼,近看像两头发嗜兽性的恶魔。我们躲开了这两个怪兽,走进去,也仍有一股寒气瑟瑟,刺人心骨的感觉:古老的南瓜灯上披着厚厚的灰,似乎正在用它那扭曲的表情欢迎你的到来。苍白的白炽灯一闪一闪地,好像快要爆了一样。我和曹霄鹏小心翼翼地走了上去——哦,原来是做游戏,有“鬼吹灯”——吹蜡烛,“血盆大口”——咬橘子,“身后是什么”——猜谜……我都玩过了,其中,最令我难忘的还得属那阴森森的鬼屋了。

记得那个时候,鬼屋门口堵满了人,大家都跃跃欲试,但出来的人都抹抹,胸口说:里面真有鬼吗?我心想:真的有鬼吗?顿时,我害怕起来,不想进去了,正在我徘徊之际,曹霄鹏对我说:“走,进去领教一下。”我硬着头皮说:“对,去领教一下。”但我在后面走着,可心里就像有一千只小兔子怦怦直跳,搞得我忐忑不安。我悄悄地推开门,首先映入眼帘的是一个吊死的女人,似乎在哭诉,眼睛似乎正发愤怒的光。我一惊,飞快地朝前跑去,忽然不知道从哪儿发出凄凉的叫唤声,这声音在这屋子里发出共鸣,一阵阵的回声在我心中磨出涟猗,不由得生起几丝恐惧。我继续走着踩到一个圆圆的东西,呀!竟是一个脑袋!还有手、还有脚、还有一大滩血!我的心里再也承受不了了,怎么办,我再也不敢往前走了,飞奔出去,抹着胸口喘着大气说:“吓死我了。”脑海里不断重现着刚才的画面。直到最后才知道,那女人只是个裙子;声音是一台地下的电脑发出来的;断手、断脚等是一些塑料做的;还有那血,是番茄酱……假如我不知道这些秘密的话,那晚上一定睡不着…… 呵呵,这个万圣节过得真有趣,不仅锻炼了我的胆量,还让这一天在我的记忆里留下了充实与快乐。




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