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2023-05-19 02:52:05




Lion dance, also known as "lion", "lion dance", it like dragon, is a form of traditional dance in our country, is also a kind of popular folk sports activities is very wide. In the Spring Festival or celebration lion dance.

Lion dance began in northern and southern dynasties. In our country, the lion dance in a variety of forms, which can be roughly divided into the northern lion dance and southern lion dance two kinds. The northern lion dance is similar in appearance and true lion, lion body covering, WuShiZhe (generally two people a big lion dance) only your feet, not man. The northern lion dance of male and female, and the lion, a lion, wu wen, young lions.

The southern lion dance mainly popular in guangdong. The lion dance lion head by one man, one lion tail. The lion's modelling, style, color is different from the northern lion. WuShiZhe wear knickerbockers, wearing tight girl outfit lantern sleeve unlined upper garment or vest, visible WuShiZhe body. Lion dance to bend over

Why do people especially like lion dance in the Spring Festival? From the early years of the Ming dynasty, the guangdong foshan appear a monster, every New Year out, came out and mar the crops, hurt people and livestock, people screaming. Later, it is suggested that to scare the monster with lion dances, worked, and the monster away. The local people think the lion town demon exorcism, auspicious sign, so every Chinese New Year is beating drums, door to door, lion dance happy New Year, to eliminate the evil pesticides, auspicious meaning.

Finished watching the lion dance articles described above the Spring Festival, small make up to the lion dance this custom believe you also have a certain understanding. Like most of the Spring Festival customs, the origin of the lion dance is also evolved from an ancient legend. Here small make up have to say our ancestors imagination too rich, really really have to let a person admire.










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