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2023-05-19 05:37:02


导语:流年易逝,时光容易把人抛,挂牵着的你有我千万种祝福伴你同行,一路走好。下面是小编为大家整理的,同学的作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


It was a sunny Sunday morning, my mother bought me a new white shuttlecock. I am happy extremely! Hurriedly call my classmate Luo Xiao: hello, my mother bought me a shuttlecock, 1 p.m. Let's go to the square kicking shuttlecock? "Good" Luo Xiao readily agreed.

In the afternoon, we keep to square began kicking shuttlecock. I can always play high and far, and Luo Xiao always play not far. I say: "you played a little hard, ok?" "Good" and she lifted a vicious kick, shuttlecock "sou" a drop to near the square in the gutter. I look at the originally white shuttlecock immediately became rundown, dirty, suddenly break into a furious rage, blunt she roar: "you lost!" Luo Xiao unexpectedly rightfully said: "I didn't mean it, hum!" She went angrily away quickly. The appearance of her arrogance makes me more angry. I came back home angrily. Mother see me this way was concerned "what's the matter, honey?" "You see, Luo Xiao kicked my shuttlecock into the gutter! She is not only not apologize return chicanery, attitude is very bad." I lifted the shuttlecock said. Mother patted me on the head and said: "baby, she really didn't mean to do, to tolerance, magnanimous point. To the person you want to be good attitude you did it?" Listened to mother to calm think your attitude just now, I regretted. Mother went on to say: "now your only remedy is to apologize to her."

So, I immediately ran to the Luo Xiaogu. Saw Luo Xiao embarrassedly say: "I'm sorry, just now I ought not to be angry with you." Luo Xiao said: "it doesn't matter, I also is bad, not take the initiative to apologize to you." And she ran into the house to come up with a shuttlecock "look, this is I bought for your new shuttlecock, like it?" "Like" of course we both hands tightly hold together, and laugh at one another, in the heart of the gap.

The shuttlecock is a symbol of our friendship and good, I must cherish it, cherish it well.









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