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2023-05-19 05:43:06


导语:弘扬传统读经典,中华文化代代传。诚信待人促和谐,知书明礼心胸宽。民族复兴共奋斗,亿万同胞心相连。金秋喜迎十八大,继往开来写新篇!下面是小编为大家整理的,诚信作文呢 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Honesty is the best quality in the world, I may not be honest before. But, at the time of my hometown, but I really do have a honest heart.

In the last summer vacation, I go home to see my cousin and friends and relatives. Finally arrived, I was so excited. I hurriedly charged at cousin, because every time back to my cousin live in the home, in their hometown nature is the best and cousin. After their hometown after the New Year, I and cousin busy contradiction. That day, I feel bored and went to visit cousin's room. The cousin I found a thesis paper on my desk. Above writing only a typesetting, here has a large empty. I'm very interested in this paper, so I put the following empty place neatly to tear down. I carefully watched several times again, just throw it at that.

Almost close to the afternoon, cousin to discover someone tore her paper, break into a furious rage. Asked me if I tore her paper, I low head, and looked at her angry face, I want to admit that they were afraid of cousin scold me. But I finally quietly admitted. Cousin don't angry, immediately again to longly say to me: "come on, anyway have torn. However, you also is a honest boy."

Then did I know how important it is to be a honest boy, if I don't honest deceived cousin, cousin may mad at me, ignore me. Visible, how important it is to do an honest boy. If you are honest, the adults will think you are a good girl, you are not honest, over time, the adults will not believe you. I have a honest heart, it can make me to be a good person.









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