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2023-05-19 07:54:13




I, a real coward, see a small caterpillar will make a fuss, shivering, but a few days ago I didn't really understand what is terrible.

That day is Halloween, I, went Shen Dingxun more chi yu, he mysteriously will lead us into the study. Only heard zhi-yu zhao called behind me, I suddenly turn back. "Goodness!" I screamed, straight legs trembling, have to panic. See the mask is a grinning skull head, suddenly the skull is full of bright red blood, I thought of ghost, mummy, almost crying. At this moment, zhi-yu zhao will mask off, I took a clap breast, breath a sigh of relief. It was strange, he is doing the "blood" is red ink, zhi-yu zhao gleefully and looked at me, I have straight teeth.

Well, besides a little episode, this afternoon is weather. For dinner, I and Shen Dingxun first came to the dinner table, visible zhi-yu zhao has not come, only to call him. In Shen Dingxun into the study of a minute later I heard a scream: "mama!" See Shen Dingxun daylights out ran out, see me suddenly collapsed on the floor, body trembling, still read with in mouth: "ghost, ghost..."

I felt puzzled and looked up, and was almost scared out of heart disease. A full face of the skulls of blood is cold laughter that terrifying, looking at skull, I can't call all, rapid heartbeat is accelerated, the in the mind worry is not really a ghost. "See you that timid kind!" Zhi-yu zhao smartly solution under the mask. Soon, Shen Dingxun restored, but I was constantly emerge skulls gruesome scenes.

Foreigners like Halloween, feel exciting. However, it is let I evening nightmares, entertain foolish ideas. The next Halloween, the timid girl to me, or forget it!










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