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2023-05-19 07:59:03




The vast long road, who can understand the struggle? The bitter, the wind like a knife cut on his face. In the ice and snow, a long team, just like a huge dragon winding in the cloud and mist, slowly creep... Night, opaque. The potholes on the grass, bog shall, no roads, no one lives, accidentally, you may die. With the strength of the red army soldiers just grind survived, they at an alarming rate, more than 600 miles in 7 days passed black grass... "Liverpool are not afraid of far

Character is difficult, the long march only afford to "MAO zedong's" long march "is always so inspiring to read, make people inspired. Yeah, what's the enemy's siege, turbulent Yangtze river, pentium roaring dadu river? There are only a few root existing, the gruesome luding bridge again calculate what? The big towering snow-capped mountains and uninhabited dark grass, these are regarded as and" crash ", not all been conquered by our strong red army soldiers?

Although participated in the long march veteran fighter has now left, but the reds predecessors left us rich spiritual wealth is eternal. They in the hardship of revolutionary ideals and persistent pursuit for the revolutionary cause and loyal. Heroism, have the courage to struggle, fear no sacrifice of heroism; Looking forward to the future, full of optimism. The tail from wagging the dog, disciplined, close unity of lofty moral character, to serve the people heart and soul of the idea and don't forget the historical mission so far. Their noble character is always a dose of inspiring catalyst, inspire us for ever.

, it makes me remind us of chairman MAO's sayings: "the long march is the first time on the history, the long march is its long march was a propaganda, a seeding-machine......" Yes, its long march, it not only declared the victory of the communists, is declared the construction of our motherland. March is a propaganda, it was announced to the people's communist party is the liberation of their team, also to earnest study of our propaganda the importance of scientific and cultural knowledge. Seeding-machine, it sowed the countless revolutionary kindling, also planted the seeds of those of us who haven't sprout, love fruitful one day we will repay the motherland.

We are the owner of the motherland in the future, in this solemn moment in history, the older generation of revolutionaries of revolutionary torch lit, there is no doubt that depends on our lifting, the future of the motherland are also depends on our wisdom and strength to create. Now we are living in the socialist family should understand today's hard-won happy life, to cherish. And in the near future, we should also shoulder the important task of building the motherland.

Let's carry on the long march spirit, study hard, work hard, to meet the new long march.











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