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2023-05-20 03:40:01


导语:别的地方是一块反面的镜子。旅行者能够看到他自己拥有的是何等的少,而他从未曾拥有和永远不会拥有的是何等的多。下面是小编为大家准备的,旅行的英语作文 。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


My father promised me summer as early as before the final exam took me to travel to liyang, he says, liyang tianmu lake can be beautiful!

Looking forward to, looking forward to, finally wait to travel time. I was extremely excited that morning 5:00 get up wash, hot steamed bread, I eat breakfast. Pack pack then mom and dad. Car in the beautiful hangzhou ecological driving fast on the highway, my parents and I talked and laughed all the way after one and a half hours, we went to the tianmu lake. After we settled in the luggage into the tianmu lake park. We buy a ticket on the first visit to longxing island by boat. On the cruise, I saw the tianmu lake the lake is very clear, ambiguously can see some fish in the lake.

Soon we came to the island of longxing. On the island of longxing we play a lot of fun place, but what impressed me most is through the thick forest. The so-called forests across, is walking on the original path in the forest. We walked into the original forest, the thick never had the fresh air had to, I as if into a oxygen bar, inarticulate comfortable, walk in the oxygen of the primeval forest, the walking and looking at less than at the end of the forest, walk while listening to the songs of the this stream trickling rain, as I walked into a fairy tale world, I am a bird, in this world always walk in the front, the father mother far behind, his first to the front to explore. Trees of the forest oxygen bar, also is varied, some trees tall and upright, some saplings tertial plumes, and even be cane too bound to grow, I play very fun there.

Before you know it. It is noon now, we returned to the tianmu lake hotel to eat after a happy heart island - tianmu lake jiangnan first soup fish head soup, then let me delicious, delicious taste has memory. The next morning, we depart on time, back to nanjing.

This time, I not only appreciate the beauty of lakes and mountains in tianmu lake, tasted the delicious dishes of tianmu lake hotel burning, but also understand a truth, that is good to the environment, environmental protection is very important for, start from now, everyone be our survival of the earth's environmental small guards.










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