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2023-05-20 07:31:02


导语:生活使我们各自要企求一个能够足以信赖的、生活上的向导。帮助更多的人。今天小编为大家整理了:我的偶像英语素材 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Her, 3 years old like table tennis, 5 years, and he began to play; She, once the champion of the Olympic Games, world championships, World Cup three. She is the world champion deng yaping was born in zhengzhou, she is our hometown of celebrities.

Deng yaping in the follow father learning play a ball game, when he was five years old soon, she became a fast attack player. When I was in first grade, he won the champion of the province. But she is not satisfied, but also impact the world champion. Every time she is conscientious and meticulous practice, perseverance. Deng yaping want to join the provincial training at the age of 10, but because is low are relentlessly stand in the door. She didn't give up, but to redouble their efforts to practice, and keep on winter and summer practice volts, whenever kubla khah dripping wet, she always thought of her life in the shadows. At this time, she always encourage yourself: do I have to use facts to prove their strength.

Finally, she succeeded. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, deng yaping with her sharp eyes and lightning, beat team in Helen qiao at, women's singles championship. Then, she again and Helen qiao at cooperation, women's doubles championship. In the same year, she stood in the 43rd world championships women's singles champion seat. The World Cup, she won the women's doubles champion. Between 1983-1995, she received 101 gold MEDALS. In the performance and her efforts are inseparable.

After returning home, she had won a RMB 50000 bonus for many a points to the hope project. Though her bonus no singers, movie stars, but her heart to love more than a lot of people.

Deng yaping to proud of zhengzhou, henan proud, Chinese pride I have a celebrities for the hometown proud!










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