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2023-05-20 07:39:03


导语:我国的传统文化源远流长、博大精深。其实,传统文化的气息我们随时随地都能感受得到。今天小编为大家整理了:传统文化的英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


It is said that in a long time ago, a total of ten sky the sun beats down have scorched the earth, a hero named hou yi, succeeded in shooting down nine SUNS, after marry to the goddess of the moon. Chang e ate the husband hou yi from the queen for undead medicine, fly to the moon palace. But the goddess of the moon missing her husband and said to her husband: "tomorrow is a full moon, you use flour to make pellets, such as full moon shape, in the yard, I can go home." The next day, hou yi, according to the commandment of the goddess of the moon do indeed as expected reunion of husband and wife. So the Mid-Autumn festival moon cakes custom of sacrifice to the goddess of the moon was handed down. This year's Mid-Autumn festival together with family I sit on the balcony also let me remember eat moon cakes. It's way to listen to me slowly:

Today is Mid-Autumn festival, my mother bought a whole basket of moon cakes from the outside. Have red bean paste, with lotus-paste paste, five jinhua-stuffing, double yellow paste, fresh meat... Dazzling, dizzying, salivate. Began to eat moon cakes, in front of everyone picked up on his plastic knife began to carefully cut up, I looked at all the skilled movements, not fight, itch to try. It's my turn to cut, I put his left hand on a centimeter place away from the knife, right hand holding a knife cut carefully. However, due to the tension, my hand was shaking, the knife as if determined to against me, I will forward it, it is next to the old to tilt. Shout! Managed to cut, but looked up, I was scared, I cut the moon cake oblique, uneven, barely can eat, and others cut neatly, very good-looking. Then,, the second time I learn the lesson of failed last time, no longer nervous, make no longer shaking hands, so this time I cut in neatly. We are happy to eat with his slice of moon cakes, eat also while listening to grandma telling me the story of chang e.

This is what I like the traditional holiday -- the Mid-Autumn festival. How about you?








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