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2023-05-21 03:36:07




Looking back, looking to the future. In the time, I have a dream, everywhere dream with me grow up.

My childhood dream was to be a muscleman. Its reason is in the TV to see the film stars and fighting skill is very strong. Donnie yen, for example the TV in a bad play into the sky. So, I also think they kicked the bad people one by one into the sky. But in the dream to dream, if you don't work to practice, is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, my this wonderful dreams shattered.

As a teenager I dream is to be a pilot. Because the air force pilots task is how noble! Their driver his beloved aircraft, flying in the air in the sky, proudly in the blue sky, sometimes deal with the enemy, not to mention how exciting. Sometimes, I also in my dream on their beloved fighter, proud to fly. Suddenly appeared in front of a column of aircraft, I wanted to wave, but unexpectedly, showed that is the enemy aircraft on radar. So I closed my eyes and hands Anton fire button, mouth say 'god bless, god bless. After a while, then I landed on the airport, the ground control center immediately to me originally. Think I in hexi. I put all the planes out. I'm proud to stand up, as if I am a savior. But then one think this adventure sleepless some dying. Then, this dream I also did not exist.

Now, my dream, it is is a result, my biggest dream is to pass my grades to the best, I hope that their wish I won't be in vain.

Dream is fire, lit out, such as dream is light, light the road night, dream is a way, because you come to the dawn. The star of the dream is a dream is broad. Let us in the road of dreams, growing together!

Dream, I grow up!











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