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2023-05-21 03:44:09




Remember before a test, because is not seriously study at ordinary times, the in the mind very nervous, jitters, nothing is bad, then a friend came and saw me very nervous, she began to teach me how to relax, don't be nervous, let me take a deep breath of relief, also advice me, said: "don't always want to take an examination of how many minutes before the examination, and should want, pass the examination I found myself and the insufficiency, needs to be improved?" I listen to her, the in the mind is quiet a lot, no longer nervous. After the exam, she help me to solve the problem of learning every day, so he has obtained the good result at the end of term, I really thank the friends, is she let me satisfactory results were obtained. I think: I'll be more grateful friendship, because friendship is make me progress.

Remember, as a junior high school, I turn to a new classmate, she became my deskmate, later we became good friends. In study, we make a good partner. When I am faced with difficulties, no matter how busy she will open the hand and tell me the topic carefully. The reason why I have this friend, only constantly to improve performance, but she never told her what happened at home. But one day, she got all by themselves in the family misfortune to pour out to me. I really didn't think she is so strong. After listening to her talk, my patience to comfort her, she came out from the pain. I thought: this is the power of friendship! She will believe me, give me the secrets of her own, so I understand is how a person himself. Friendship is really make me moved!

Now, although is separated and some friends, but we'll meet every day, two days have friends give me a phone call and told me that she had happened something happy and some unhappy things, we and intimate sisters, a great friendship.

Friendship will make you understand that a lot of truth, broaden your horizons and may even change your life. The power of friendship is really too much, as long as you have the real friendship you will feel in the world is so beautiful. Friendship also will help you solve many problems in their lives.









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