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2023-05-21 05:46:08




Winter solstice, is a very important solar term in Chinese lunar calendar, is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation, the time in a year of the Gregorian calendar on 23 December 21 solstice, is the day was shortest in the northern hemisphere, the longest day of the night; Most of northern China in this day and eat dumplings, south the tradition of eating dumplings.

I'm in the incomparably joyful mood read the passage above, grief could appear in my mind.

I look out of the window, the rows of bare platanus become not true in the sun.

Loneliness is a kind of amazing feeling, sometimes people say himself very lonely, very sad, just because like that kind of feeling, is not true. At least I am one of them.

"All of a sudden, dark, the world can suddenly nothing"... Over the past five hours, I have been listening to this song, and stunned, silent, singing in a time of rebirth, no change a sound, I don't have any change of thinking. The time seemed to be stagnant, the solidification. However, said: "is our biggest third time", just suddenly think of a word in the brain, there is no practical significance, for me.

"Your favorite guitar in my room now, do you want to write the song so far there are no". This is one of my favorite lyrics, simplicity, but far-reaching significance. In HuoYan book accidental discovery, a new, then engraved in mind. HuoYan this girl and I have a somewhat similar, I think narcissistic.

Groups will be raised in winter solstice that night night, I wait for our adult ceremony.

Last year's winter solstice as if just yesterday, then another winter solstice quietly come. Like many lines inside said: time flies, idle away one's ear. Understand the winter solstice, feel the air the winter solstice, taste the happiness of life.













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