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2023-05-22 04:19:03




The Lantern Festival on this day, as it happens is Saturday. I had just finished the English home, saw the memorial plaza in guess riddles games, I can't miss this curious girl, of course, so I at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour in memorial plaza flew past. A: wow! Good lively! Watch people a lot, there are adults, have children, and the old man, is people mountain people sea! I really want to go in the ride, but, guess riddles to buy a ticket (5 a), so I took out the last 10 yuan I bought 20, only guessed it four, however, I still have a harvest, a small barrel of oil.

After lunch, I saw on television: the city due to set off firecrackers was injured during the New Year 87, and the continued increase in the number of fire so please citizens pay attention to. A: wow! I turned pale with fear, and I thought, or not to go out at night.

But, I still can't stand the temptation of the Lantern Festival festive atmosphere, or go out and celebrate the festival together, wow! The stars in the sky a lot ah, must be a sunny day tomorrow, can you see, the original ah, is the spark of heaven, boom! Boom! Boom! Such a voice startled me, oh, ah, the original is' thunder king rai-oh is put in, the sound, like ten million white horse galloped in the mighty long, then the rainbow on the sky, like ten million colored silk floating in the sky, ah, I was attracted by the colourful color that fireworks, even let me forget everything around me...

That night, I returned home, just the vivid picture is still in my head...









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