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2023-05-22 04:22:06




Each person extremely rich emotions: affection, friendship, love, nostalgia, patriotism, some of these feelings pure, some complex; Some shallow weak, some deep; Some true, some false -- - however, in the process of our growth, some make us full of expectation, some let us in the face of fear.

Up to now I still fresh. As the growth of the age, I began to feel the parents of my bundles are redundant, they should have their own private space, and secret, no longer need parents ask, also do not need too much parents know their secret. So, I do not let parents into the room, when I go to school will give locked the room door, and outside hang reads barred from the brand.

Come home from school one day, just want to take out the key to the door of the room, only to find that the door is unlocked, I remember when I go to school in the morning lock, how to open it now? I psychological thought, it must be my parents went to my room. Thinking about thinking, I rushed out of the room angrily, mom and dad are in the living room, just talking and laughing. All of a sudden, I rushed up to them and cried: I didn't call you don't go into my room? Besides, you don't see the sign outside? Listen to me say such a thing, mom and dad smile on his face disappeared, dad said angrily: children, how can you read that we talk? In the eyes of my mother and I see her at this time to me to be disappointed. In a word, you later don't be into my room. Leave this sentence, I rushed into the room

Just entered the room, I saw the quilt, and seemed to lie there is something inside, I put the quilt hin, a laptop, next to the a small card, read: children, in a few days is your birthday, this is the gift of your dad and I send you, hope you can like it. At this point, my tears like the beads of off line down, I hurriedly rushed out of the room.

I told you it is good to show it to her face to face, you just don't listen to, also said what would surprise to the child, also went to climb the window. Look, this bitter yourself! Mom says, help dad back rubs said. Listen to the mother said, I cried more fierce, rushed to the front of them, mom and dad, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I was wrong. Mother smile kind smile, said: baby, don't cry, we don't blame you. You know, the affection between family members and family is not broken, it is before you can affect the feelings between us, you understand? I understand, I understand - after return to room, I write the original brand change: welcome to the brand.











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