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2023-05-23 03:00:06




Classmates, we are a member of the nature, our survival depends on the nature. All kinds of resources are interrelated in nature. We all live on the earth, the earth is our common home, dense forests, broad grassland, ocean, and a variety of biological, form the beauty of nature. Life is pleasure in the beauty of nature, have the fresh air, have a clear stream, with dense trees and flowers, have a lovely small animal.

But, as a result of human for a long time on the nature of the destruction and pollution, caused harm to nature, dense forests have been cut down the birds have no home, the stream is polluted, the fish's life is threatened, wild animals have been killed and lost the best friend of human, did not have the fresh air, only the thick smell, make our home is not beautiful.

Now, we should protect the environment, more trees and flowers, to increase the green earth, make the earth more beautiful than ever, more lovely. The earth's environment is good or bad, about each one, if the air is polluted, we smell the bad smell will be sick, I get up in the morning drink the polluted water will be sick, so, protect the environment, from each one, to start everything, to protect their family environment, is contributing to the protection of the environment.

Our primary school is the master of the 21st century. In order to our common homeland more beautiful, let's make environmental small guards, everyone start from the protection of the environment around, let our earth more more vitality than before. He starts from you and me, start from now.









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