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2023-05-23 05:02:02




Like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, thousands of critics, pear flower tree. Walking in the snow, isn't listening to the sound of shua shua at the foot of a great life.

Night of light snow has created a world of snow mountains, tell the story of a feeling heart. But who know that cover after pure veil is what kind of scene? In the heart of magic, the mood is always buried in a thick layer of ice, is like a mirror. In the distant phantom holy mountain, a group of children in laughter, maybe in their opinion, here are the most beautiful thing in the world, they are willing to live life here, even if isolated. In the top of the mountain, that piece of elegant snow area, but showing different meaning, was hidden in a mysterious secret. Phantom ghost of sanctuary, the most sacred in the heart of the region, but also the most pure magic heart field, a only belong to the magic land. Even enveloped in darkness, as the group of children, with nothing to fear.

Nightfall, snow area a silvery white and dark breath in silence, look up at the night sky, the moon, a little ghost, it feels better. Because the body is in snow area, even breathing feel cool, in the winter of magic like holy mountain past her, quietly standing in the far most deep place! But such plain beauty is the world ignored by drunken gold paper fans. Real life is one big regret.








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