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2023-05-23 07:15:01




Love, is the best feelings in the world, I grew up in the arms of love. Mother gave me love sweet strong, dad gave me love simple straightforward, mother gave me the warm love, but, I most moving, is the teacher give me love.

Remember once WanTuo class, miss li let's poems. At this moment, I thought: too bad, I've never been to review the classical poetry, how to do! So we have to use "shorthand" first law force. So I quickly took out the book and quickly flipped up and knock on your little brain, hope to be able to remember in front of the back. "Start back!" Mr Li said. When I saw I was long in back to back, I can back quickly, others not to I started back up after a while. At this moment, my heart is like with a little rabbit, brilliancy. Mr Li wrote a poem and I don't know how to back, had to follow what I "16" back. Long and short poems, finally over, the teacher said not classmate to stand up, I got up in fear and trembling, waiting for the teacher's criticism. For a moment, I looked at the teacher, I saw her frown became a "sichuan" the word. Too bad, must be I didn't back well. I think "GuanXinYu." The teacher cried. I low head, the teacher use mild tone to me: "GuanXinYu, this time why you back so poor! But you don't lose heart, as long as you do the preparation before class, after class to review every day, you are not afraid of poems!"

This is the teacher's love for me!








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