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2023-05-23 07:18:05




One day in the winter, snow, swirl snowflakes falling down from the sky, to the willow tree with a white gauze clothing, the pine tree is not afraid, still standing there, the snow to house wearing a white hat, covered the earth with a thick layer of the quilt.

To the distance, the fields, use your body to wheat seeding thick snow covered the winter cold. A gust of wind blowing, the snow and wandering in the field, look, it seems, are still in the snow. Snow blowing on my face, fresh. As the saying goes: "a snow good harvest." The snow bodes next year's harvest. Because after snow melt water soak into the soil, can moisten the difference.

Snow on the hill is more beautiful, look, all white mountain, from a distance, is like a snow mountain. On the mountain pines are full of glittering and translucent snowflake, can only see some green under the leaves. Also fell full of snow on bamboo leaves, bamboo stems adhesive layers of cream. Bamboo of a root of a bamboo forest, like a group of stand and protect their homes, and grandma often to me about "poetic age - pine, bamboo and plum" no matter how cold in winter, they are still standing there.

The most happy and lovely children, in the snowy winter, they can play heartily, snowball, the snowball fights, a snowman, this is what they like. Sometimes happy again, and grabbed a handful of snow to the skies in young, fell in the heart, dissolves into water droplets, ice ice cool, very interesting.

The winter snow brought the next year the harvest scene, brought laughter to families of the children, even though their life is very short, but humans can not live without snow..










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