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2023-05-23 07:21:12




We are destined to be together forever. Since I was born, I had already doomed. The sunset dyed red in the evening, I came to your side, I forgot your face, but I can imagine your canthus tears of joy. We are destined to have a hard time for the rest of your life, every time after the quarrel, outside weeps for I am full of guilt.

Father, don't be surprised, although I never told you this but at this moment, how I want to quietly say to you.

The last time you and mother to the home land quarrel, almost fights, I dropped the bowl chopsticks, rebuke your rudeness and rage, all said some tampering, I thought you will mercilessly beat me a lesson. But you do not have, even the next day to apologize to me. But when my grandma told me story, after I dismay, then cry a, I'm ashamed for my is unknown, I'm sorry for my big negative, father, I'm sorry.

The time after failing the exam. Every day I began to abandon the unexamined, low expectations. You don't blame me, take me to climb the mountain, instead told me the eagle "reborn" only to fight the sky again; Told me about the career for Helen Keller told me hawking's optimistic, not afraid of difficulties... I hope I will become, you let me don't leave your posterior, but you said hope I happiness, even if I am admitted to tsinghua university, you will not be at ease. You can always inspired me when I'm sad, let me continue to struggle... Father, thank you.

Are you an umbrella, zhefengdangyu for us; You are a tree, let's enjoy cool air and rest; You is a mountain, let we depend on to grow up... Father I love you, even if time erosion your face, and climbed up your forehead wrinkles, silver frost dyed your hair, even if you don't back as usual hale and strong. In my heart, you are still the most handsome old man...

Someone said, my daughter is the lover of one's life on his father, I think so, otherwise how could we so good, I think reincarnation, next life I still be your lover!











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