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2023-05-24 03:00:04



感恩节的英语作文 :

"Proud of honest and trustworthy, ashamed of cynical" this David tang his powerful words deeply shocked my heart. I involuntarily thought of my father, he is an honest man.

My father is an orthopedic surgeon, often to do surgery. Once, dad for a patient with femoral head replacement surgery. Patient is the United States imported more than thirty thousand yuan of the femoral head, but just ran out of the femoral head, femoral head only made of alloy ten thousand multivariate. Dad's a laymen's friend advised him: "thirty thousand multivariate ran out of femoral head, with ten thousand yuan bai. Anyway, patients also don't know." Dad thinking repeatedly, decided not to use this means of shoddy. Why he explain to the patient, and apologize to him. The patient to went to another hospital. In this way, dad's hospital reduces forty thousand yuan income. Later, I asked my father: "so large fat is lost, you don't feel regret?" Father smiled and replied: "the good faith is more important than money! People should live aboveboard, open, and femoral head are numbered, 1 is 1, 2, 2, who cannot be bothered. Also"

Every time when you eat, have the patient to call dad, he always put down the bowl chopsticks, hurried to the hospital for patients; When there is a bed, have the accident happened to the patient in the hospital, he always get up from sleep, to serve the patient... With honest and trustworthy quality, dad won a good reputation in the community, business is booming!

In social reality, however, honest people like my father does not see more, there are also some startling moral decay, the phenomenon of lack of good faith.

Group after group of profiteers, ignoring a fair deal, the integrity of the business management idea, shoddy, with true, false generation, in order to carrier for're incapable, especially in false seed and false pesticide KengNong HaiNong, fakes, counterfeit, fake food to people, but also good deserted him... In these people, you can still see the shadow of a credit?

See my sincerity, dad think those dishonest phenomenon in society, I deeply felt the "proud of honest and trustworthy, ashamed of cynical" of weight. Integrity has no color, can make the person's mood, pale gray, also can let a person's mood, pleasure; Good faith without volume, but can make people are narrow-minded and shortsighted, also can let a person of broad heart and foresight. The price is not responsibility, but can let person's soul devalued, also can let a person of noble soul; Responsibility without weight, but can make people's life meaning light as a feather, or as mount tai. -- - is this, how do you choose!











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