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2023-05-24 06:02:01




What day is today? Today is the day when boys and girls are looking forward to, today is Chinese valentine's day "valentine's day". Valentine's day, valentine's day, of course, was the day of lovers.

Because today is the big day, across from our house and open a flower shop. Look straight down, wow, people mountain people sea. Is simply can't stand, I think they are so busy, my mother and they meet again, I'm three feet ran down with them and say "hello", they asked: "wei wei, you are so small age also buy flowers girlfriend? Say, want? I help you wrapped up." I immediately said slowly: "looks like I will instead of you in a minute." "You mean you flower for me?" "Yeah." He resolutely refused to, isn't he look down on me, but my mom said I. But under my repeated pleas, he finally soft down the heart to, promise me to help them.

I still have some not accustomed to, but slowly, I'm a little used to it. Introduce them to spend, package cost again, some people talk, to spend or planted beside the letter CARDS in the middle. I asked them: "you are for a girlfriend?" There are several bad brother said: "the kids understand?" Several people said: "after grow up you will send."

Later, my brother came in, I asked him, "what are you doing to? You to delivery? Cargo goods?" (because of our home is open a shop) brother said: "don't only people who are in love can buy? Even though I have been married, but doesn't mean I but valentine's day." Says is "valentine's day, valentine's day: love each other. People: two people. Together means two people love each other is true. As long as have a heart, even if it is only 1, 2, also represent a heart of love." Brother old three old four, "bah, what a mess, but I really understand a truth."

For a while, mother, mother to apologize to them: "is really sorry to trouble you, embarrassed." "No, this or that they are strong, lose weight, ha ha" mom you don't say, I understand a truth, tell me. "Money is false, is virtual, only a love heart, is true."










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