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做环保使者 过低碳生活英语作文

2023-05-25 06:39:08

做环保使者 过低碳生活英语作文



The earth is our home, we should protect it, do not polluted it. To do low carbon life, actually very simple.

First of all, low-carbon lifestyle is focus on energy conservation and consumption reduction in every detail of life, in addition to homework reading must turn on the light, other time don't need to open the lamp can't open it as far as possible, so that it can reduce the electric discharge of carbon dioxide. Electrical appliances in the house open can emit carbon dioxide, even small cell phone battery socket terrible can discharge of carbon dioxide, as long as the charger to charge the electricity immediately removed can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Fridge can neatly as far as possible, so that it can reduce the number of refrigerators work, so as to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Although air conditioning can give us a cold in the summer, but its outdoor can emit large amounts of carbon dioxide, so we can best use less as far as possible, don't let our earth breathe too much carbon dioxide.

We should also be a variety of flowers in the home, my grandpa was particularly likes growing flowers, every morning, the first thing to do is to water the flowers. Stretch and I see that all kinds of flowers, the in the mind filled with filar silk cool idea. Can not only purify air and flowers, and beautiful, it is fully staffed.

Low-carbon living is a kind of attitude, not ability, we should from saving electricity, water, carbon, saving, solar terms, this kind of small, low carbon life is we want to establish a green way of life, as long as we act, can close to low carbon life, even can achieve low carbon standards of living.






【做环保使者 过低碳生活英语作文】



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