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2023-05-25 06:40:05




This year, the whole Asia is a slogan: "advocate low carbon life, support green Asian games". Yes, the green, is the most dazzling colour this year; Contracted, is the most popular style this year; Low carbon, it is the hottest topic this year.

20 xx years in December, the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen in Denmark, also let us deeply self-reflection: how did the earth changed? We should do? How to do? How to do!

Right! Is the low carbon life. So, for our students, we don't even understand what is low carbon, how to do low carbon life? Is, in fact, low carbon is environmental protection, energy saving, is green, is contracted, or health, we also can do pupils. Below, I designed the pupil low-carbon life for everybody.

Rose up in the morning, we want to go to school, walk to? Or take a bus, take the subway? Of course is to walk. I know, one thousand km, bus's carbon footprint is 13 kg, and take the subway is 2. 3 kg, only walk no emissions of carbon. Emissions from 78. 5 kg carbon just need a tree, what a waste!

At school, but also a low carbon life? Of course I can. In school, classroom has sunshine don't have to turn on the light, most students don't feel hot don't open the fan, not optional littering, close the tap after washing hands, finished the homework can also when the draft this, implementation of garbage sorting, using less markers, multi-purpose pen, this is low carbon campus life.

At noon, we are going to have lunch, if the use of disposable tableware in the dining hall, we'd better bring your own dishes to eat.

After school, continue to walk home. After I get home, to take the time to do homework, we make full use of natural light to do the homework, if it is dark in the evening, will power, increased carbon emissions.

Not long after, my mother came home from work, to begin to cook, my homework is finished, then to the kitchen to help my mother cook. First is to wash the rice, I finish washing rice with water to pour in a bottle, used to water the flowers, is recycled. Then, we put the dishes washed with water to flush the toilet...

Finish housework after dinner, my family drove the energy-saving lamps, just go out for a walk together, can exercise can reduce carbon emissions, rather than sitting on the sofa watching TV, it not only useless but also a waste of electricity. Finish walk home, we began to take a shower, toilet Ann is a shower in the home, no bath crock, because want to use a lot of bath water, three to go in a bath at night, three big tank of water is wasted!

How, I design schemes are ok! Do you know our pupils how to attain low carbon life?

Low carbon life, we can do, as long as we have to do, the earth can reduce a lot of burden. This year, is the Asian games, as the host of guangzhou people, let us to the world propaganda low carbon life, advocate green environmental protection. Come on! Let's get started! Together with our dear earth mother said: "I can low carbon life
















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