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2023-05-27 02:48:05




My father is uprightness, work is the best, I really admire him. But he has a weakness, that is to love smoking, my mother and I didn't persuade him to give up smoking, he is quiet. On one occasion, my mother and I told him, saying, he said to take orally, finally from his closed his mouth spit out a word: "I listen to you."

It has been a week didn't see dad smoking again. He really quit smoking a cigarette? I decided to test him.

Today, I am in the father's desk to put two cigarettes, he came home from work in the hospital, I will flash at the door, father entered and found the cigarettes on the table, he picked up a first, looked at the brand, and on the tip of nose to smell the smell. See father love this pair of smoke, I was disappointed. Suddenly, my father seems to think of what, frowned. Then, two cigarettes decisively to threw it into the spittoon. See this scene, I immediately ran out from behind the door to the father: "good father, I'm so proud of you!"

Dad first a surprised, then picked me up, to blow my nose, said: "small clever, it is you're testing me!" Dad and I laughed together up.






Life is extraordinary, there is no smooth sailing life, life will have all kinds of test, if life without test becomes boring, but I also have life test, now I have to face is a test - transfer.

Mother said: "to adapt to the new environment, new friends, meet a new teacher." Mother said to it, I was scared. Came to the new school, I still have some afraid at first in the mind is like a not obedient rabbit, always jumping, jump high. But my ability to adapt is relatively strong, not too long, I began to adapt to the new environment, I am no longer afraid of the fear of it like a timid elephant.

On a day of learning, looking forward to the stars, look forward to the moon, finally look forward to the school. Into my mom's face, I said happily: "learn everything goes well today. Mother said with a smile: "this is a good start, but there are difficulties, waiting for you!" Mother's comments, let me no longer afraid, but I think the test is like a piece of paper, difficult problems of difficult like volume, as long as you overcome the difficulties, problems are solved, since I want to play out, don't be afraid of difficulties, can let I got full marks in the examination paper.

I want his examination paper, every time the test is on a satisfactory full stop.








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