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2023-05-27 03:26:03




Dear every leader, dear colleagues:

Everybody is good!

I am * * * from the front office, thank you very much for the leaders to give this opportunity to exercise self, standing here, my mood is very excited, also very happy,

The title of my speech today is "attitude is everything".

Attitude that mentality, a way of performance that we treat things. There are all kinds of mentality in people's life, but what you want you will be what kind of mentality. For example as an ordinary employee, I always think of work was not high and low points, no matter in any post, all want to love your job. Other is to select problems, do a good personal is attitude problem, only the correct attitude, devoting themselves to their work, to reflect their own value. I love my job, determined to do a flash screws, wherever twist don't relax! Everything is not, however, yifan, feng shui, the work of all sorts of bad, did not make me depressed. I continue to learn, sum up experience. If a man is not inborn, only to learn and know.

By learning to improve their various aspects ability, make oneself can accept all aspects of the challenge! We whether life or work, as long as you can from small start casually, often can change others to our trust and attitude, because attitude is everything. So we should use positive attitude into our work, in the position of each clock, I'll be sixty seconds! The front office as an external window of the hotel, to set up good service image. Take our concession, our work is in the eyes of others stood in the door lesbian, say hello to guests as simple as that. But actually, that's just part of our work. Some sense that we have to understand the guest's needs, to provide a better service. Mr.wu said the front office is the brain of a hotel, output all kinds of information, and we are the receptionist. In this department I strict with themselves, always set up the ownership of customer first. The hotel is my home, service depends on everybody. Always I rong xing, the shop shop failure shame I remember in heart. Let us each a hard, is for the sake of the future of the hotel. As long as we are for the future of the hotel, contribute an own strength, our hotel will become a shining star in the hotel industry, a beautiful beautiful scenery line.






通过学习来提高自己各方面的能力,使自己能够接受各方面的挑战! 我们不管做人还是做事,只要能从不经意的小事做起,往往就可以改变别人对我们的信任和态度,因为态度决定一切。所以我们要用积极的心态投入到我们的工作中,在岗位的每一钟,我就做好六十秒! 前厅部作为酒店的对外窗口,要树立良好的服务形象!就拿我们门僮来说,在别人眼中我们的工作就是站在那拉拉门,向客人问声好这么简单。其实则不然,那只是我们工作的一部分。我们要察言观色,了解客人的一些需要,提供更好的服务。吴总曾说过前厅是酒店的大脑,输出各种信息,而我们就是那信息传达员。在这样的部门里我严格要求自己,始终树立顾客第一的主人翁精神。酒店是我家,服务靠大家。始终把店兴我荣,店衰我耻紧记在心中。让我们每一份努力,都是为了酒店的未来。 只要我们为了酒店美好的未来,贡献出自己的一份力量,那么我们酒店将成为酒店行业中的一颗闪耀的明星,一道靓丽的风景线。


Dear every leader, the judges, dear colleagues:

Everybody is good! The title of my speech today is -- attitude is everything.

"Learning achievements, and knowledge to create the future". In the authority to carry out the learning activities, I carefully read and study "attitude is everything", the book feel very deep.

Before work, attitude is everything. There is no important work, only do not take the job. Different attitude, achievements of different life, what kind of attitude will produce what kind of behavior, thus decided to different results.

There is such a small story: three workers in erect a wall. Someone come and ask them: "what are you doing?"

The first man looked up and said with a wry smile: "can't you see? Build by laying bricks or stones wall! I'm carrying those heavy stones as hell. It is tiring...

The second man looked up and said with a wry smile: "we are building a tall building. But the job is really not easy...

Third person smiles happily say: "we are building a new city. We now cover the building of the future will be one of the city's iconic buildings! Want to participate in such a project, is really exciting."

Ten years later, the first man still in the wall of build by laying bricks or stones; The second man sitting in my office paper, he became an engineer; The third person, is a former boss.

Visible, a person's work attitude reflected the attitude towards life, and the achievements of the life attitude determines a person's life.

Although success is restricted by many factors, but attitude is the primary problem. Someone is done above person-times after investigation found that the attitude and some rules for success: the success of the first kinds of elements and their attitude have a direct relationship, such as positive, active, decisive, on life, dedication, optimism, confidence, ambition and perseverance, determination, love, sense of responsibility such as factors to account for around 80%; The second factor, belong to the science of uniting the income, the day after tomorrow call "skills", such as good at interpersonal, eloquence good, foresight, creativity is strong, good technology, work ability, such factors to account for around 13%; Third class belongs to the objective factors, such as luck, opportunity, and environment, looks, talent, etc., these factors to account for around 7%; At the same time, also summarized the relationship between the three: first, the attitude and skills is a causal relationship. Second, success requires constant good luck.

So we have to do anything, the key to success is our attitude of doing things, the key is we are face to face with and solve difficulties, or to avoid difficulties and give up in face of difficulty. This is a question of attitude.

In the actual life, we often hear complaints like this: "work is very tired, earn very little money", "why do the same job, he earns more than me?" , "why only pay attention to his leadership, made him?" Indeed, such a situation does exist in actual. Work with emotions, will not have the performance. Just imagine, the left hand side stood a positive attitude, the right hand side stood a frustrated, all employees shook his head, leadership will choose what kind of?

Work and life need passion and action, need to work, need a spirit of initiative, spontaneous, this requests us treat life with positive attitude towards work towards others. Have a positive attitude to take responsibility, to unity and was able to blaze new trails, to deal with all kinds of complex problems.

Attitude decided to choose, decided to train of thought, attitude is everything. Let's start from now, with a positive attitude to have the courage to go beyond the self, constantly improve themselves, enrich our life!

My speech finished, thank you.













在实际的生活当中,我们常听到这样的抱怨:“工作很累,钱挣的很少” , “做同样的工作,为什么他挣的比我多呢?”,“领导为什么只重视他,委以他重任呢?”诚然,这样的情况实际中确实存在。带着情绪工作,肯定不会有出的表现。试想,左手边站着一个态度积极向上、右手边站一个灰心丧气、凡事都摇头的员工,领导会做出什么样的选择?







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