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2023-05-27 05:00:08




I have a warm home, and lived in my family, we live well and have a happy day. Although the family often do not only I a person at home, but I'm not afraid. Dark shadow won't hit me, will not affect the warmth of the family. Because the people in the family are all very kiss me, I am not afraid of, what I all not afraid, because they give me courage, every time I wounded cry, my mother went to comfort me. She told me, when you grow up, you do things to serious, said to me with the hand wipe away tears. I cry mother's heart will be uncomfortable.

I was playing basketball, basic every day to be shot, but I didn't cry, but bravely stood up and continue to play, my mother told me: difficult to solve, don't be afraid to fall, only on the battlefield of life fighting, want to go to rob. Because it is very important! Are you trying to do it is to you, if you give up that you will never stand up. Listen to these words, I don't think again how to let the ball all feel pain, but tried to rob the ball.

I was playing one by one to see my players comfort I feel very happy, very comfort. But bitter can't let my mother know. Because his mother would worry. We went to play basketball mother to find me a school uniform so late. My teammates to training for me, and I practice late, the teacher also told me that can't give up, whenever hear comfort my eyes tears.

Dad asked cold ask warm, every day he took this than we more heat and cold, but he asked us. Sister and her body is not very good, I fear that she might have something, but she came back to see us no matter on the wound.

So I think I have one of the world's most warm home! There are many people who I love, my family, they are my all! I hope they happy every day things behind to what goes wrong, be happy man. Let the home more warm.

I wish them good health forever, forever happy!

I love them, I love my family, I love this home! I want to be with family forever, forever!









That day of, is a remarkable day, because it aroused the courage in my heart.

That day, I take to the shop to do homework. But also in a few minutes, the phone rang, turned out to be find father drove to jiangyan. But dad don't rest assured I a person in the store, I put one of his mobile phone in me.

As a result, only a few minutes someone to buy things. The customer is a woman. She want to buy a socket. I which dare then selling electrical appliances, the results serve to a deal, I repent at leisure.

I analyzed why don't other people to buy things, because my courage small, customers to buy things I can't answer, lack of confidence to oneself, don't believe you can do business.

Summed up the experience, I appeared to have been a lot of courage. Happen to have another one to buy appliances, I was greeted by a smiling, asked: "you need something?"

He said: "the two screw base at an Angle of 45 degrees, ten little nails." I have heard, hurriedly turned everything topsy-turvy to find it. Finally found the, he asked how many yuan, I hurriedly answer: "three dollars." He paid the money, contentedly.

I am very happy, because I can trade, I believe that my study result will be like the business, will improve, sesame flowering successively high!

After I will be on the junior high school, for the second half of the course is also up, although time is nervous, but I will find time to read, my grades will also increase, because I have parents' encouragement, your confidence, and one hundred times harder, so I will be successful, come on!












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