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2023-05-27 05:27:06




Many years ago I raised a little hamsters, it is very lovely, I like it! See it that white hairs, inside with black hair, as the plush toys, put it in your hands, touch it with your hand fluff, but comfortable! Look at it that small tail, also is white, but MAO is not so much, I really worry about its tail cold not cold in the winter, and its two front teeth, when you eat, the two big incisors can help a lot! It also has two black bright eyes, just like two black gems, if there is a sound, it will immediately alert to raise head, take a look at what's happening.

I gave it to a comfortable "home" have a special drink and eat, I have come to make sure it covered with a layer of wood "carpet". Just put it in, it seems to be extremely happy! Around here for a while, a moment to jump there, for a moment to eat, to drink for a while. If it finished, rat chow, "to the" not in time, it is the "little emperors" not happy, in a cage disorderly bump, and then you will love to put in the rat grain to it, it immediately "shifted from Yin eyes" glad to eat up. Although it is full but it still wouldn't stop greedy mouth, until it is eat two cheeks bulge bulging, and then it will be to find a place to dig a hole and put the food in the mouth spit into the hole, then use sawdust buried, then looked up at around, who like to snatching food with it.

After satiated with food and wine, the little naughty will make housing, see it climbed into the pool, then climbed out of dripping, run around, I the comfort of your home for it to make a turned upside down, I saw it, so we have to put it carefully to catch it. At this time, it was shivering with cold, I love dearly juggle cover with dry towel dry the body of it, said to it: "can't be so naughty next time!"

It is more cute when sleeping, look at it! Furry body curled into a ball and two small ears flopped, close to his head. Small eyes half open and half closed, very cute! Small tail rolled to the side, under the pressure in the body. It so on my small cushion for it on the bed.

Even though my little hamster has left me for many years, but when I can remember all the happiness it brings to me, it's lovely, it's lively also deeply imprinted in my heart.







My family raises two little hamsters, 1 man and 1 woman, named and Wang Wang greatly. Their head is a small seeds. The left ear has a piece of black. Two eyes black and bright. A ring black circles around her neck. A furry. Four small claws long 1 short it has a light blue small house, house covered with a colorful under a quilt, there is a small drum, they can play in the small drum.

Once, when I come home from school, go to far and Wang Wang lived small house see greatly and Wang Wang's in the house. I have a look, they are not in the house. I can see they are not in the house, out in a straight stamp. Then, my room looking, and all of a sudden, I think they must be in the kitchen, ran to find, and couldn't find a long time. Finally, under the bed they found it. I put them out, "angry", and said, "you don't again so." And while they are called, as if to say: "don't be angry, we are playing hide and seek with you!"

I have a lot of fun, and greatly and Wang Wang later mom gave these to old people. I often go to the and Wang Wang greatly now. They are very big.







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