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2023-05-29 02:33:01




In the world of love to have a father and a mother's love, love... Love of family love, friendship and love, in the world... , for the sincere love, the selfless please, we must learn to repay them, to repay them, we must learn to be grateful.

As a song to sing: gratitude, thank you... Yes, we have to learn to be grateful.

We are grateful parents. In the cold winter, who is waiting outside the school gate every bitter you are going to school? In the quiet night, you sleep is sweet, who is changed in washing your dirty clothes? Yes, my parents, they worked so hard to raise you, you can? No, we are grateful parents.

We also want to thank teacher. In the dim light, you may have already entered the dreamland at this moment, who is hard corrections on your homework? In the holiday, you may have to play, and who work for make you grow as soon as possible? Right, is the teacher, the teacher will students ferry to the other side of the success, while their own ", try to dead silk ended.candles burn ". Our gratitude to the teacher.

Do we have to thank friends, when you meet with difficulties encountered, unfortunately, who gave you the most need of help? In you the most lonely, lonely, and the most helpless, sad, and who to comfort you and encourage you along the way? Is a friend, when they need help, give you corners of love, we are grateful friend.

Learn to be grateful, then your world will be sunshine all over the sky.








Affection, like a signpost in confusion, guide the road ahead for you; Love, like a lamp, light up your life to go; Love, just like a cup of tea, can warm your heart.

My mother is an ordinary woman, but in her ordinary life, I saw her extraordinary side.

Remember the elementary school in grade one, my classmates and I play in the playground, suddenly, I seem to be a force, temple on the stone steps. Have two teachers saw him, they give me and told me to go to a hospital stitches.

After her mother learned this news, put down the household chores, to "superluminal" rushed to the hospital.

Lying on the hospital, I am very afraid. I saw the doctor is playing with a needle, suddenly, fear into countless tears gushed out the eye socket.

At this point, the mother ran into the room, took me by the hand, and constantly comfort I said: "don't be afraid, will be fine! Mother at your side, I will accompany you forever!" I stopped crying, turned his head looked at the mother's eyes. For the first time, I found that mother's eyes are so big, so bright, so charming gradually, I fell asleep.

I only vaguely remember, I was lying in a warm, strong back. It is gently shaking the, like a cradle, did not wake me.

Woke up, I have been at home soft bed. At this time, I'll never forget, who put a small spoon dew in my mouth, who is with caring eyes settle I wound pain. Is the mother of her -- my favorite.

Out of the window, watching the stars with your eyes open here, the moon will be the most bright moonlight into the warm house. They are very quiet, seems to also don't want to break the silence.

Affection, is the dark clouds will never cover a piece of clear sky.














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