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2023-05-29 07:39:03




Today is a very special day, I want to point to environmental protection.

Today, my brother and I went to do environmental picking up litter. I take clincher, brother take garbage bags, we set out to no. 3 door pick up garbage in this journey, we put on the clothes ready, so we set out, we go forward step by step, to observe very carefully, we walk on the way, is what kind of rubbish. Sometimes, it will also meet smelly socks, some people saw the move we have come and praise, but we didn't to pick up garbage, not to praise us is for the sake of our city more beautiful.

To no. 3 door we use towels to wipe the sweat, bought a bottle of water to sit down to drink, thought: it isn't easy to pick up garbage, I picked up a bag of half. Restore the physical strength, we walk back again, originally thought to pick up the rubbish are not garbage, but looking back, I unexpectedly, it has a lot of rubbish, we can only helplessly again picking up again, when we pick up and saw a man in a litter, so we have to meet up, and he said some truth, he mused, soon and he bowed his head just dropped him pick up all the rubbish thrown into the trash can, I smile nodded, continue down and picked up the rubbish.

Everyone should protect our home!






Last night, I and mother went downstairs sister came home from school. At the gate of the school, I saw selling mutton string in kebabs under uncle Yang, burning wood carbon emitting smoke, there is a particularly unpleasant smell. Passing people frown said: "good bad!" Mutton string stand someone is holding a mutton string big eat.

Kebabs wood carbon is use wood burning, to cut down the trees to make, burning of wood smoke coming from the carbon and carbon monoxide many pollute the air! I think like this, he went up to remind uncle Yang: "uncle, can you don't use wood carbon? Use charcoal will produce large amounts of carbon monoxide, pollute the air and damage the environment. If you do not pay attention to the environment, that soon we will be wearing a gas mask, how terrible! I recommend that you use electricity to kebabs, electricity is a clean energy, won't produce carbon monoxide. Now have to use electricity kebabs environmental trolley. I also like to eat mutton string, uncle want to use that kind of environmental protection, kebabs trolley earlier."

Uncle Yang repeatedly nodded said: "there were so many good, good! Lucky know!"

Everywhere in daily life, we should pay attention to protecting the environment, use less plastic bags, driving less. Such as: mother buy vegetables, I will use the popurality, we travel more bus, exercise books, each page to write full, and so on. Environmental protection should starts from the minor matter, starts from you.








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