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2023-05-29 07:46:11




My hometown is a small village in anhui province, where there is no scenery in the city.

Grandma around, trees, planted bamboo and fruit trees, in the Chinese chestnut bearing fruit, like a hedgehog hurt my hand. Hang branches of jujube caused each of the bird, chattering in the peck. I just put them away, they flew to the pear tree, they went to pluck the mature pears. House is behind rows of tall pine of the southeast is a bamboo forest, verdant and lush. Across the front of the bamboo forest is a piece of paddy fields, green seedlings in the summer of swinging in the wind.

My brother and I through the loaning, came to the reservoir. The weather is very hot, we can't wait to jump into the water, play the water wars, diving time also match. They swim freely, for I will only diving, can only watch them swim in the shallow water. Swim when we feel, the reservoir of water is not as clear as before, at the foot of the sediment more some underwater long grass. Grandma said that excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides, farmers now water has been polluted.

Mountain is located in the hometown of the green and the water is green, the sky is blue, the air is fresh than guangzhou many, I also sleep at night sweet all the more, because there was very quiet, only the cicadas and croak.






My hometown is beautiful scenery, rich products, is a lovely place.

My hometown of products are: shanxi vinegar, coal, pingyao beef, potatoes, red jujube, fenjiu... It's everything.

When you come to taiyuan, entered the yingze park, you can discover, this is heaven. In the park, some old man in the exercise, some grandmothers in walking, said a joke grandmothers from ear to ear. All the old man is a picture of a smile.

Into the lishi, came to the lotus pond, you will see a graceful lotus, blue white petals, in the tender leaves. In the evening, people will buy paper do lotus lamp, well, people began to make a wish to the lotus lamp into the water. Water lotus some like a shy little girl, the coy. Some students like a just criticized by the teacher, crestfallen. Some like a dozen battle, general tall; And quietly bursting the bud of quietly elegant, show the beautiful smiling face. At this time of the lotus pond is the most lovely!

My hometown is not only beautiful scenery, and abundant, I love my hometown, mountains and rivers, more love my hometown!









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