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2023-05-29 07:54:04




Today is a special holiday, because today the xx years first winter snow. Ha ha, the first snow, winter with snow.

Today, I'm on my way to school, found the balm tree off the ground, the tree did not pieces, autumn is the past, I think. At this moment, flying in the sky, drizzle the poured out of the fog these days, the air fresh, transparent. Recess in the second quarter, I found there is a little small for the rain, if there are snow flower. At night, dad pick me up at managed class, the sky piaoqi the real snow flower.

Ah! White snow flowers floating ah fly down, jump on my face, cool, cool cool. At this time, the way the light is, in the dim light, various shapes of snow flower is so naughty, like flocks of fireflies, fly ah fly ah fly ah, darting darting right on the left, to the street light is brighter than those who like...

Snow flower, in the long summer, you must be very boring, where are you hiding in, we can miss you. Today, you finally jumped out happily, so beautiful, so happy, brought us so much happiness, brought a beautiful winter.

Ha ha, we can run in the white snow, ice on the bare, quickly from the high place in the snow slides of boot la... Think we will have the winter joy, beautiful!







That day, we are going to nanjing to see a movie, I was very excited.

After the movie, our family out of the studio. When I want to open your mouth to talk, suddenly felt a cold cold things landed in my mouth. At this moment I observed a look, oh, it's snowing! I'm surprise he told the news to mom and dad. "Beautiful!" "This is the first snow of the XX years..."

Snow, in the swirl underground, like a naughty boy scurrying about in the sky.

I pass my hands gently pick up a piece of snow, the results of a touch namely, originally is my palms too hot. Then, I use my clothes without temperature to pick up the snow, the snow lay quietly on my clothes. I looked at it carefully, and found the snowflakes on the clothes and not so beautiful, in my opinion, only the very small snow grains. Mother told me because of the snow is too small, I can't tube so much, I'm in the square dance with snow, enjoy the feet step on the snow brings me unlimited joy.

Snow, swirl underground, it seems there is a magic, turn black into white, let the world become white, slowly let white more pure and beautiful.

At this moment I thought of Pavlov said "observation, observation, observe again." Life as long as careful observation, we will find - the United States, in fact everywhere!










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