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2023-05-30 06:17:05




Our family had a cute little white rabbit. It is my best friend, and I am lonely accompany in my side.

The small white rabbit a nap, like a cloud of white cotton, feels soft, round eyes like two sparkling ruby, a pair of long ears, like a big scissors to open stands on his head, the middle of the ear also reveal a little shallow pink, three petal mouths, the little white rabbit tail short, like a velvet doodle hairball.

In the morning, I took the little white rabbit likes eating carrots, and played a joke on it, I intentionally put carrots in front of the little white rabbit, and all of a sudden on the behind it, the small white rabbit poor looked at me, as if in said to me: "little master, I'm hungry, quick for me!" I immediately stopped the joke, feed it to eat. It, eating, watching me, seem to thank me!

At noon, the sun, I put the small white rabbit outside let it free. It to the grass, seems to be very alert, look in all directions, after confirm there is no danger, wakes up and happily running on soft "carpet", also from time to time looking back at me.

Night, play a day small white rabbit seems to have some tired, and I gave it to "massage", touched down its nose. It close to me again, enjoying the fun of narrowing her eyes. Finally I hugged it into its "home", it is the darling drops to bed...

Since there is a small white rabbit, I like more than a partner, I like it very much, it brings me a lot of happiness.








Red, red eyes and white hair, a short tail long ears, wearing a white fur jacket, start to gently jump. Ha ha, you guess must know, that's right, this is the little white rabbit. My childhood had a small white rabbit, its whole body with long white hairs. A touch, feel smooth and soft. It has a pair of nice ruby eyes especially pretty, sharp nose under two big white front teeth. Two long ears can be heard in the distance. Though normally it can't see the legs, can run up the legs especially powerful.

Speaking of the little white rabbit, there's an interesting story. I give it a name called "white", the small white just entered my family feel very strange, always huddled up, like a big pompon, after a period of time, small white getting to know me. All be favourite eat grass, I often hold it downstairs to eat grass, a down it run wild, seem to want to know about the world around them.

After a long time, small white and I have the feelings. Every time a home it, looking at me as if to say: "I'm hungry, give me something to eat!" I see, then give it took a few cabbage leaf, it will taste with relish. When eating, small white from time to time, send out "kaka" "kaka" sound. Small white day to eat a lot vegetables leaf. Can be called a "small cat". Eat satisfied after, small white is licking my feet, as if to thank: small host, thank you! Looked at it, I smiled happily.

Don't know how many days, small white is more and more big, my study is becoming more and more nervous, can't take care of, then send the small white people. The small white is gone, but it still kept in my mind, still forget it also bring me happiness.








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