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2023-05-31 02:42:01




This winter holiday, I had a very happy, of which the most meaningful thing, I read a book "insects to record", is a famous French entomology written French Boolean. Do you want to listen to the voice of the insect? Want to walk into the magic of the insect world? So, I'll give you something about it.

Such as red ants, red ants like rob other people's things. Red ants often broke into other types of ants at home, the family of pupae. Such as the pupa molting grew up, became the slaves of red ants, for their own children and looking for food. Red ants every time go out is a mighty long, their team has five or six meters long. Every time they walk very far, but, when it was time to go home, can according to the original road to return. Is amazing.

And mantis mantis appearance is very beautiful, it has a slender waist, also wore a light green coat. Mantis although very beautiful but character is very fierce. Its like a sickle thigh is a pair of capture, there are many barbs on legs and sawtooth. It also has a lot of sawtooth calf, even more than his thigh. Calf at the end of the sawtooth with sharp hooks, mantis eat other insects, not only eat their own kind. Don't look mantis fierce, it can build nests very beautifully. It is very careful.

Moreover, longicorn longicorn larvae live in tree trunks, inside absorb nutrition, fly out until after the mature, in general, they want to be in the trunk for three years. Longicorn larvae of crawling way is also very strange, although it has feet but not walk with their feet. Because of its feet are very small, not support the larva body, let alone use them to walk. Longicorn larvae belly full of mastoid knot, the knot expansion activities freely, they are crawling longicorn larvae organs. Longicorn larvae was walking through the telescopic bumps. Very strange.

In this book, faber depicts various insects instinctive behavior, labor, reproduction and death, recorded their roaming in the insect kingdom course, see the be fond of their emotions through words. Reading this book, I have learnt to respect for life, more like to be close to nature, the more inspired to explore science.







In this winter holiday, I have seen things like stars in the sky, the sand on the ground. Among them, there is one thing that makes me very moved --

In the winter vacation is that one day, I sit bus to go home, on the way home, the seats were full in the bus. Suddenly, grandpa sitting next to me called me and said he gave up his seat to me, he just got up and I sat down. I hadn't thought of old grandpa didn't sit seat feeling, just want to himself very tired.

After a while, the sky is overcast, the strong wind ruthlessly put the glass broken, heavy rains also attack toward me. I was shards of glass in the hand, the old man standing not promptly took off his own coat, through to hang at the age of the glass pieces by the storm, is by the storm blowing himself. He moved all the people on the bus, I cried also moved fast.

We soon arrived and are propping up the umbrella on the bus go toward outside walk, but I have no umbrella. The old man saw I don't have an umbrella, he gave the umbrella to me, drench the rain ran home himself. I hold up an umbrella on his way home, my tears can't help from my left eye.

It makes me very touched, whenever I looked at the umbrella, I will recall that, back to the old man's behavior.










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