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2023-05-31 03:28:04




Basketball article

A very young age, he met and fell in love with the basketball, but then also just the basketball as a toy; Real contact basketball for the first time, is in the junior middle school; Actually playing basketball is in high school. From then on I was attracted to basketball. Since then, my only basketball extracurricular activities.

I like basketball, like the freedom of running on the court, like the joy of offensive Numbers, like the rebound when jumping, like the thrill of blocks.

Enjoying it all at the same time, the pain comes, but for love, the pain is also a kind of enjoyment. I will enjoy in joy and sorrow...

I love basketball.

Article in the NBA

Remember first Qiao Dan took me into the NBA, his number 23 shirt and superb but still let a person aftertaste endless. Indeed, brought by the NBA is not just a game, the game of stretched the passion eyes of countless people.

Is NBA basketball empire, there is a rapid as stealing the ball lightning, strong pressure surge dunk, a tight defense, fast break free.

To NBA basketball blind in love with the basketball, the NBA to countless fans crazy for it.

I love the NBA.

Yao Ming article

Is his, let the eye sights on numerous Oriental western; Is his, let China into the basketball hall of countless young people.

Remember to South Korea melancholy eyes, remember the title is a hearty laughter, remember to enter the NBA adventure alone, remember yesterday to continue to win the attention of the playoffs.

Yao, I hope you the NBA road go farther, more...

I love you, yao.

















Everyone has their own hobbies, some people have a lot of hobbies, some people love swimming, some people love football, some people love badminton, I am no exception of my hobbies is I'm good at basketball.

Along with the development of the NBA and FBA, basketball is now the most popular fashion movement, under the leadership of its art value and economic effect, has become our most respected the most fashionable sports, I enjoy watching the NBA, I love to see their intense physical confrontation, I love hot dunk, I'm more like watching the rockets took off, I like their sense of team, I like their passionate performance, I like the otc trivia, I most like my idol Tracy sell grams grady!

I have a special liking to basketball, I play basketball is inherently has the advantage, because I am tall, I am a physical education classes will have a boiling passion, as long as a day don't play my heart always uncomfortable, not steadfast.

I started with a grade of basketball, at that time, I shot is very low, not to mention anything ball control technology. Because in the last two years unremitting efforts, my basketball technology improved a lot, I usually play basketball with some people who don't know.

I think playing basketball is a very meaningful activities. First of all, basketball is a collective movement, is a collection of several players and the other group, so the basketball match can show a spirit of collectivism to cooperate with each other. Basketball also have very big profit to the body, since I play basketball, body strong and no longer can't withstand the wind and rain like once upon a time, often catch a cold.

I like basketball, I like the small, round dot, because it give me infinite happiness, it is the Lord will bring people visual impact.










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