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2023-05-31 03:28:03




Walking in the playground, a round "alien" kiss to my forehead, my first feeling is painful. Touch his forehead, and then open your eyes -- A also! "Calculate, sure which students are not careful from this side, I think good luck." I drop my head thought watching basketball.

A female classmate came running, is to pick up the ball. Her slightly to apologize to me and then hurried away. "Ah, the female classmate can also play basketball, girls play basketball is really fierce!" I told the girl was full of admire, already forgot forehead been basketball "kiss".

To the teaching building, total feel a bit strange forehead, like a little pain. Parted bangs and touch his forehead, wow, felt a steamed stuffed bun! "Make" to!

I borrowed a small mirror to students, visiting my bag. Look, look, a big red envelopes, is like a small hillside lying here sleeping on my forehead. "Don't worry, don't worry, it's not a big deal, it will step down." I think, easily have bangs in anyway, nobody knows.

After a while, I feel the pain came up again, and then took a look in the mirror. Wow!!!! This "red hill" will grow, become a really big red envelopes. If there's all the money I will happy, but no. "Let nature take its course, anyway one day it will slowly become smaller. A red envelope brother listen to - don't kill you, whatever you long. Affect brother appearance doesn't matter, at less handsome cough up, so long as the brother does not affect learning." My heart didn't take it too seriously, just head pain let me know at the time to protect themselves, try to stay away from basketball.

This is my from birth to now has a time intimate contact, to the game of basketball and kiss my forehead.

But I am a "good scar forget pain", not to mention the past primary school. Now I for basketball no fear, while also playing basketball is a rookie. In the second article see our these basketball amateurs only how to play ball, it would be very naive...

在操场上走着走着,一个圆溜溜的的“外星生物”吻到了我的额头,我的第一感觉就是疼。摸摸前额,再睁大眼睛一看——A basketball!“算了,肯定哪个同学不小心打来这边的,我自认倒霉好了。”我垂着头看着篮球心想。





这是我从出生到现在有史以来对篮球的第一次亲密接触,而且还是kiss my forehead来着。



It's 2388, 2000, was black and blue all over the earth after 388 years of healing finally restored to health. With the development of human technology, at the end of 2894 has won the title of "the universe first high-tech star". Now I come to you;; Tell me about what happened these years!

In 2019, we human beings in an accident found a minimum entities of life the brightest planet in the universe - "beautiful", it has 158667 light-years from earth. On "beautiful star", people the first is to find a bottle of colourful gene, these colorful genes in different colours have different functions, such as green, is in the desert, it can make a desert into an oasis. Blue, as long as in any parts of the ozone layer, can put the ozone into a new one. Yellow, can solve the problem of different eight proposed eight. Light gray, can achieve three reasonable. Brown, can...

In 2055 a French scientist, exploring, found the ship flying saucer at different times to the same direction, and per second, 8443-10341 light-years away, and, some flying saucer shape, lighting, size is different. It is said that there are some seekers also saw the same thing. This is enough to prove that there are many stars in the universe exists life.

In 2098, a Chinese scientists found a stars in the Milky Way outside the ball, dark blue, pink, dark green, white, yellow, light orange, etc. These planets close to each other, and each planet developed science and technology. To make people very surprise!

In 2166, a British scientist made a no matter how many high temperature are not afraid of the aircraft. Then he used the aircraft to fly to the sun. Cut a hole through observation, the sun, fly to the sun. He found that the sun there is a lot of people have never found, after he brought it to the British study found that there are some minerals and the minerals after tap blisters, vomit a thing - star provenance from the inside, as long as you put the things in the universe of an empty seat, he can conjure up a planet can be developed immediately.

In 2255, Chinese scientists invented a magic flower - new flowers, the flowers hear as long as people can live for 500 years. Because humans have no stars to find a suitable for human survival, this kind of flower is not used.

In 2324, human can finally found the planet - a global village. Some people who are moving to new before you go to smell the flowers, of course on the earth are also new to smell the flowers. So, people can live longer, wouldn't be very crowded on the earth.

In 2388, people use only resources on the earth, only spent 23 years, built a "xinguang road" between earth and global village. 680.7 billion light years away!

In the future, you want to go to right away? Then hurry up to take on the "time machine"!!!!













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