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2023-05-31 05:27:02




In every corner of the campus, we has to deal with security problems, security in our midst.

In the classroom, we should pay attention to safety. Once the class was over, there are a few boys in the classroom run to play, then knocked down by a very gentle and quiet girl, the girl sat on the ground, and lay your hand upon your knees, a face of bad expression. Then came a girl, to help the injured girl, to the several big big boy said: "run in the classroom can't play." Immediately that a few men bow their heads in shame, for the fall girl said: "I'm sorry."

In the playground, we should also pay attention to safety. On one occasion, physical education classes, five or six boys in competing to play basketball. Suddenly, the unfortunate thing happened, a boy hit the ball, the ball is hit in the head of a girl running. The girl immediately upon his head, wept bitterly. That boy saw after, hurriedly ran to say: "I'm sorry. Are you okay." The girl wipe tears, had to say: "it doesn't matter".

Each of us should pay attention to safety, let the campus a little less dangerous, also let yourself to a little less damage; Let the campus less a word "sorry" and more singing away.






Also mean god is fair, he has given to everyone only one life, so we must cherish.

Today, the car in the world increases day by day, the incessant vehicles on the road to provide us with a convenient, but at the same time, also brought great hidden trouble for our security, "care for life, safe travel" the eight characters reminds us: pay attention to traffic safety.

Perhaps is a distraction when walking, perhaps is a sleepy while driving, are likely to turn in the life of a beautiful moment, convenient tool instantly become demon devour life.

There is such a report: "the national every 6 minutes to have a person to death under the wheels." It is not Arabian nights tam, facts once again give us a wake-up call.

More than once I saw some young lad, riding a motorcycle on the road

Gallop, listening to the sound of "rumbling" alone make people afraid. They are only in order to seek a temporary stimulus, but I do not think about it, what is behind the stimulus? It is possible to loss of life. Jokes about his life not only, also brought panic to others, if their mind is "love life, safe travel" this eight word? Wait for an accident to regret, isn't it too late? . So, as an ordinary primary school students, obey the traffic laws and regulations, maintain traffic order is that we should have social morality. Walking "civilization, building a harmonious", this requires every citizen starts from oneself, starts from the minor matter, let "peace avenue" more clear!

Safe travel, brought security to our life, hold up a piece of blue sky. Let's safe with us and











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