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my favourite animal优秀英语作文

2023-05-31 05:49:03

my favourite animal优秀英语作文2016



My home have a little hamsters, it looks very cute.

It has a lot of fluffy hair, the nose like a sesame seed, a little mouth, ears, and a dialogue of the flesh color for the's so cute.

Sometimes, I will bring little hamster to the street for a walk, often meet some people from staring at my little hamster is stone or a pillar mix to and had a fall.

I little hamster is not only cute and naughty, on one occasion, I'm playing computer, small hamster to escaped from the hut, I do give it went into my little bed, I play the computer only to find that little hamster disappeared, don't mention how worried in my heart, I finally found it the dickens of a job.

Although I very love my little hamsters, but they all belong to the beauty of nature, because there is its true home, so finally I still very reluctantly give up what one favours put it back the beauty of nature.







Believe that everyone has their favorite pets, I am no exception. Recently my father from cangzhou left the door of the booth bought me two little hamsters, that a I would like to meet them.

Through my observation I found many small hamster life habits. Hamsters are nocturnal animals, sleeping in the day, and come out at night. They are usually at 7 PM to 10 PM is one of the most active. So the rest of the day to give a rat, and mouse to play at night, and any change the habit of nocturnal animals is easy to cause short-lived.

Why the hamster is always hide? Because hamsters sleep in a cave, in order to avoid foreign attack. They live in the dark is their instinct, think the dark have a sense of security, anywhere fast asleep.

Hamsters are nocturnal good at digging the hole. Often take dad cartons for it overnight to several holes, even steal ran out. It liked to hide food in gills on both sides, and then go to a safe place to spit it out. Because the front teeth is constantly growing, so they must reserve something hard molars, on the one hand, avoid teeth grow too fast, on the one hand to keep sharp teeth.

My little hamster looks strange, small and exquisite, lively, very cute.






【my favourite animal优秀英语作文2016】



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