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2023-06-01 04:28:05




If a person doesn't even have a dream and pursuit, that also talk about what the future?

Chairman MAO said: "nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it."

Their future will be full of colorful, I for my own future full of hope, expectation and confidence.

Mother said: "YanQing to be a mathematician, scientist, artist... just pick a will do." Father said, "you must better than me, the future test Dr!"

I received a little, can't find in the future.

Yes, my future, my family!

I want to be a doctor, skill, with their own medical skill for the patient's recovery, for the joy of the family. It would be much good! My heart is fruity.

I want to take an examination of Dr In the future, knowledgeable, full of talents, make a great contribution for the motherland, to create a more powerful country.

I also want to study abroad, to visit, sightseeing tour, see the world outside. Or when a photographer, to all over the world big pieces, put them down, build your own website, provide the reference for the people, appreciate. ......

I think too much, but don't want to listen to their parents.

Remember, my future, my family!

Asked me about your work, but must I like, because only in this way can I be responsible for the job, well done.

25 years old, after reading Dr. I want to be a writer, write novels and many interesting stories, cartoons; For adults and children to read. If you don't succeed, I can also be a painter, scrawled a painting, can show my ability and potential; Also can record the beautiful scenery with a painting way, let people learn, enjoy or for fun, relax body and mind. I can also be be cook, cook delicious food, concocted a unique recipe, with fresh, let people taste after can throw a day of nervous all behind the back of the head; To give my family to taste the food, the whole family sitting in front of a small round table for dinner, talking and laughing, happy, happy that just cheered!

Above is my dream and pursue, each one hundred times and work, down-to-earth, start from now, start from the dribs and drabs, learn knowledge well. My future, my family! Please remember this sentence.
















Everything has a door, and every door has a key. However, there is a universal key can open any one door, it is the "ideal". Lofty ideal is the key to everything. And my ideal is to become a low carbon.

It is estimated that the water resources on the earth, is about 97.5% salt water (the water in the sea and salt water lake), accounts for only 2.5%, fresh water in fresh water, about 99.7% are polar ice and difficult to use fresh water, can be human use of the rivers and lakes of the shallow groundwater is only 0.3%.

On earth there is a parrot, there are more than 30 in the world.

Every day is the size of a football field land to build a house.


See the groups data, my heart is not a cold, set when the low carbon is the ideal.

He said: "the reality is this shore, ideal is other shore, separated by a raging river, action is the bridge on the river, in order to achieve the ideal, but not what matters is doing."

So from now on, I want to save water. Save a drop of water a day, a year, save 365 drop, so leave, to check the faucet for tight, is there a drop of water. Use water to flush the toilet; Wash dish with water to water the flowers; Don't use electric switch off the power supply; The sun for the day lighting; Summer don't open air conditioning as far as possible; Don't use one-off chopsticks.

I want to be a low carbon, for the earth mother decompression, for our future job.

Shelley said: "the past belongs to death, and that the future belongs to yourself." I'm trying to struggle for my ideal. How about you?














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