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2023-06-01 04:35:01


导语:. 大街上的颜色也比平时鲜艳多了。只见彩旗飘扬,各色商家标语、条幅迎风招展。商场门口挂着一只只大红灯笼,看一眼就让人心里暖和。湛蓝的天空中,一只只彩色气球在阳光的照耀下艳丽夺目。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


It is said that in a long time ago, a total of ten sky the sun beats down have scorched the earth, a hero named hou yi, succeeded in shooting down nine SUNS, after marry to the goddess of the moon. Chang e ate the husband hou yi from the queen for undead medicine, fly to the moon palace. But the goddess of the moon missing her husband and said to her husband: "tomorrow is a full moon, you use flour to make pellets, such as full moon shape, in the yard, I can go home." The next day, hou yi, according to the commandment of the goddess of the moon do indeed as expected reunion of husband and wife. So the Mid-Autumn festival moon cakes custom of sacrifice to the goddess of the moon was handed down. This year's Mid-Autumn festival together with family I sit on the balcony also let me remember eat moon cakes. It's way to listen to me slowly:

Today is Mid-Autumn festival, my mother bought a whole basket of moon cakes from the outside. Have red bean paste, with lotus-paste paste, five jinhua-stuffing, double yellow paste, fresh meat... Dazzling, dizzying, salivate. Began to eat moon cakes, in front of everyone picked up on his plastic knife began to carefully cut up, I looked at all the skilled movements, not fight, itch to try. It's my turn to cut, I put his left hand on a centimeter place away from the knife, right hand holding a knife cut carefully. However, due to the tension, my hand was shaking, the knife as if determined to against me, I will forward it, it is next to the old to tilt. Shout! Managed to cut, but looked up, I was scared, I cut the moon cake oblique, uneven, barely can eat, and others cut neatly, very good-looking. Then,, the second time I learn the lesson of failed last time, no longer nervous, make no longer shaking hands, so this time I cut in neatly. We are happy to eat with his slice of moon cakes, eat also while listening to grandma telling me the story of chang e.

This is what I like the traditional holiday -- the Mid-Autumn festival. How about you?





Because I like the Dragon Boat Festival, you can see wonderful dragon boat racing. I like the Lantern Festival, because you can eat the delicious meat dumplings; I like the Mid-Autumn festival, because can and father, mother, grandpa and grandma sat in the balcony together to eat moon cakes while enjoying the big, round moon... But ask exactly what I like best is a traditional festival, it is the Lantern Festival.

The Lantern Festival this year, our family go to yu garden guess lantern riddles. In the evening we entered the yuyuan garden gate saw all kinds of lanterns hanging in every place, some bared his teeth like a dragon flying in the air, some like a little rabbit on the grass and caper, still alive like a carp swimming in the water... Is really gorgeous.

On the way, I saw people jostle in front of, very lively! I to have a look, it was my favorite guess riddles! I saw a middle-aged man with reads: "flat, sharp mouth, want to walk, drink first. Please guess as school supplies." Hey hey, this can't elude me, after hearing riddle, I know it's a pen. But I just want to say exports, heard "a pen!" Looking back is a young people in their 20 s and 30 s in front of me to say the answer to a riddle. Looked at his guess lantern riddles satisfied sample, I'm really spirit not dozen 1 come, think: what's the big deal, even guess the riddle me this child, as for so excited? Then I defy spirit, rubbing their hands to answer the next lantern riddle. I saw was a middle-aged man took out a rabbit lamp, loudly read aloud a way: "has a gun can not put, have legs can't walk, bent everyday, always swim in the water!" Once I listen to, the in the mind think: ha ha, this lantern riddle can be simple! Think I will blurt out: "shrimp!" Middle-aged people listened to smiled and said to me: "kid, very severe ah, answer right!" I heard flattered, than eat ten jar of honey still sweet.

Lantern Festival of lights, beautiful beautiful, guess riddles of the Lantern Festival activities, let a person with an endless! The Lantern Festival, one of my favorite traditional festival.








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