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2023-06-01 04:57:01




Low-carbon life, is refers to life work and rest when the energy consumption to reduce, thereby reducing carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions. Low carbon life, for we ordinary people, is an attitude, not ability, we should actively advocate and to practice low-carbon life, pay attention to energy saving, fuel-efficient, solar terms, start from the intravenous drip.

I am under the call of low-carbon life, also started the "low-carbon journey". After just decorate my house, the house of the harmful material such as formaldehyde, often makes us a very not trust. I check the Internet to a simple and economic way to spread the pineapple peel to a piece of paper, in a corner of the room were put on a few, can have the effect of removal of formaldehyde. We'll do, in every corner put pineapple skin, the air was clean, completely can't smell pungent taste. Later, I check on the "encyclopedia" by some information about the pineapple, pineapple lining contains a material can absorb formaldehyde, environmentally friendly and healthy to do so.

I was a child especially like plush toys, plush toys, each will be been washed deformation will knot, MAO into wisps of. Heard that there is a very good method, pour a bag of salt into a strong point of big plastic bag, then put the need to clean the plush toys in sway back and forth seven to eight times, salt black is found, the plush toys are clean. Cleaning with a knot plush toys province water, washing powder, not only save water resources, and reduce the pollution of the environment. In addition with a knot plush toys clean effect very good, compared with water wash is not inferior.

We need to take good care of our common earth, let us start from around things, cherish resources, reduce the energy consumption and make our life more beautiful!






Although the Copenhagen climate conference has been held, but many people still on the concept of "low carbon" is not very understanding. In fact, the "low carbon" is to low carbon life around us, Now, I make a brief introduction I know a few tricks of the "low-carbon life".

Low carbon, scientific means lower emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide). Its concrete embodiment for water saving, power saving, fuel-efficient, solar terms, this is what we advocate low carbon way of life. Each family to small home appliances to toys, books, and decoration, the production of each items as consumes resources and energy, will bring carbon emissions and save to use for each item, don't try to reduce the purchase of new articles for daily use, naturally reduce the consumption of resources and energy and reduce carbon emissions. To replace regular light bulbs with energy-saving lamps, can save electricity, try to walk, ride a bike or by bus travel, can save energy and reduce air pollution. Unplug electric plug and tighten the faucet, reduce the waste of paper... These seemingly small things, all is for the "carbon reduction". For example use washing machines wash his clothes, full-automatic washing machine is generally several cleaning standards such as large, soft, standard. If you are using standard washing will save time and save electricity, also to reach the effect of low carbon.

In life, on the one hand, we will encourage to take low carbon way of life, reduce carbon emissions; On the other hand, by taking certain measures actively, to achieve the goal of reducing carbon, planting trees is a way of "carbon neutral", we all know trees can filter air reduce atmospheric pollution, and can wind sand prevention to reduce the harm of human nature, breaks the loss

We need to take good care of our common earth, let us start from around things, cherish resources, reduce the energy consumption and make our environment more beautiful life. Let me strive for!








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